chapter eighteen

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"LIGHT 'EM UP!" ALBY hollered out to the boys who circled around a mound of wood and flaming torches in their hands. Rosie in sync with the boys throwing the torch at the wood, the flames instantly igniting. Each time getting better at aiming, this being taught by Gally. Rosie grinned at the boys who sat with her watching the bonfire they had created for the new boy who unfortunately was nowhere to be seen.

     A grin formed on Gally's lips as he sat next to her holding a stupid conversation that nonetheless, both enjoyed. "Oh, please!" Rosie scoffed, "I can totally go against you."

     Gally shook his head, "you wouldn't stand a chance!"

      Rosie crossed her arms, "you taught me everything I need to know. Student always surpasses the teacher, my good friend." The girl for sure knew she most likely couldn't beat the boy that was twice maybe even three times her size and weight. But she didn't care, she had a challenge and she was going to win. One way or another. Rosie stood up, "alright, come on! Challenge accepted!"

     Gally shook his head standing up as a few boys started noticing what was about to happen. "Make space dimwits!" Zart yelled as he got most of the boys attention as they made a big circle leaving Gally and Rosie in the center. "Rosie's about to show who's in charge!"

      A devious smile was written on her lips as she picked her hair up in a messy ponytail. "Don't worry, little one, I'll go easy on you." Gally stated getting into his fighting stance position.

     "Alright!" Aidan yelled with a glass cup of moonshine in his hand. "Person that pushes another out of the circle, wins!" The boys cheer in sync confidently knowing Gally was going to win but always enjoyed when Rosie challenged the boy. He always put a little more effort since Rosie knew most of his tricks. "Person also wins if other claims defeat!"

     Before the boys could blink, Gally had thrown a punch which Rosie had quickly dodged by sidestepping his move and grabbing his fist moving behind him. Rosie knew she wasn't going to be able to push the Builder out of the circle, so she was going to make him claim defeat. Rosie sank her foot onto the back of his knee letting Gally drop down to the floor. Gally cached his breath trying to roll away before she could strike again. But before Gally could get up on his two feet, the girl slammed into his back with full force.

     Gally hesitated for a second in pain before ramming his elbow backwards feeling it connect with something bony. Rosie fell back to the floor clutching on to her lower stomach groaning in pain. Knowing she had to keep going, Rosie lunged for his leg but Gally kicked her hands away causing her to jump back before he could kick her face.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐒 - 𝘔𝘈𝘡𝘌 𝘙𝘜𝘕𝘕𝘌𝘙Where stories live. Discover now