Michael part 2

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Welcome back to part 2 of this story, I hope I haven't kept anyone waiting too long, unfortunately not my best work since I have a bit of writer's block, but read until the end to get an update on the progression of this story...


   You (y/n) were taken from a small halloween party in Haddonfield by the infamous Shape, Michael Myers. Though it's completely true and horrifying to think about, you refuse to believe that he murdered your friends in his home, and now that you're in a strange cabin with the large man, he's showing compassion.

-end recap-

3rd POV

   Y/n watched the huge figure stalk over to a fireplace in the small cabin they both now inhabited. He wanted to ask questions but he was struck silent with fear.

   "Can you talk?" The younger boy finally asked, his voice unintentionally cracking. Y/n blushed deep red with embarrassment at his little voice crack.

   The large man turned to face y/n, the fireplace now lit and casting a menacing aura for Myers to bask in. Slowly he shook his head, then turned back around to tend to his flames, thoroughly scaring the shit out of y/n.

   "Why don't you talk?" The h/c haired man blurted out without thinking, soon pulling a face in obvious regret for asking the question. He watched as the terrifying man before him turned and approached, stopping just before the boy.

   Michael put his hands in front of him and tapped his right index finger against his left. Y/n quickly picked this gesture up as sign language, a class he took a while ago for extra credit, Michael had simply signed 'can't' in response.

   "Oh..." Y/n mumbled. "I'm sorry..." The smaller man averted his gaze from Michaels, a little embarrassed at his rude question, before the shape walked past y/n, to tend to something else in the small house.

   Y/n tried to go explore the new space he was in, before he was quickly stopped by Michael, firmly holding onto the boys shoulder, giving him a look that could kill a bear.

   Michael puts his hands in front of him again. His thumbs and pinky fingers are pointed outwards and his right fist moves towards y/n. 'stay'.

   "But..." The boy didn't finish, he was still too terrified of the man in front of him to protest. Y/n quickly found the dusty couch in the room, bouncing on it a bit as dirt flew up around him, giving him a disgusted smirk. It was dirty but it was fun, like jumping on the bed with shoes on.

   Myers returned from his little house quest, standing in front of y/n, who'd stopped bouncing by now. Michael reached for the boy, earning a flinch from y/n, before his large hands landed on top of y/n's head, ruffling his soft h/c hair and running his fingers across the boys jawline.

   Michael let out a soft, low noise that y/n couldn't quite describe as anything other than satisfied. Michaels hands were big and rough, covered in scars and calluses, but they were comforting in a way, strong hands.

   "So um… how long are you going to keep me here? I want to go home… I'm tired…" Y/n looked up at Michael, the larger man's hands stopped to rest on the younger boys face, cupping his cheeks gently. Slowly Michael shook his head, and y/n knew he wasn't going home any time soon.

   Y/n sat for a moment, Michaels cold hands still resting on his face, before letting out a little yawn, he'd only been awake for a few hours but he still felt exhausted.

   "Why me?" The boy asked again, not looking at the older man in front of him, a little afraid of the answer.

   Michael removed his hands from y/n's face, and signed 'bring back memories', before moving to grab something from somewhere else in the house.

   Y/n was alone again, sat on the couch in front of a nursing fire. Even though the room was warm y/n felt cold. He was scared. Michael was something of a schrodingers comfort, he was gentle and sensitive, but at the same time, unfeeling and dangerous.

   "I'm… I'm really scared…" y/n mumbled to himself, not noticing the shape returning in the doorframe, though really, he was hard to miss at an outstanding six foot eight.

   "I'm terrified…" the boy seemed to reassure himself, trembling a bit, before finally noticing Michael and composing himself, straightening his posture to look larger and less vulnerable.

   "So where have you been slinking off to? What's this place like? Where's the bedroom? Bathroom? Kitchen? Where's the…" y/n was quickly cut off, Michael pulling the smaller boy up and off the couch, into his arms.

   Michaels chest was large, and felt similar to the night before when y/n had been abducted, but somehow softer, less tense. Y/n sank into the older man's embrace, feeling tears well up in his eyes. Y/n quickly blinked off the tears before Michael could notice but it didn't stop the sinking feeling in the boys chest.

   "Can I say goodbye..?" Y/n asked, his voice coming out much softer than he intended. Michael stepped back to show y/n his fast moving hands. His fist did a twirl in front of his chest, a simple 'sorry'.

   Y/n seemed to deflate at the response he got. He felt defeated and homesick, he was at the mercy of a psychopath, and that wasn't his biggest concern.

   The boy took a deep breath, and punched Michael in the chest, earning nothing in return, not even a flinch from the older man. Then after a few more punches, he collapsed into Michael's arms, sobbing.

   Michael continued to be sweet and gentle, petting the boys hair and pulling him close, he knew how much pain this would cause, and confusion, hell, he was confused himself. Michael had never kidnapped someone before, yet here he was, comforting his victim because the small boy trembling in his arms gave him a feeling of warmth he hadn't felt in years.

   Slowly Michael put his fingers under y/b's chin, guiding his face so they could look into each other's eyes. A look of understanding in the pair, y/n knew he couldn't escape, and that somehow, Michael needed him there, and Michael knew that y/n had a strange sense of attachment to the large man already.

   "Your eyes are really pretty…" y/n broke the silence, and behind the mask, the killer was blushing for the very first time. Y/n rested his head against Michaels chest, ear pressed right to his ribcage.

   "Your heart sped up. Did that happen because I called you pretty?" The boy continued, Michael tensing up a bit.

   "I suppose it did… it just did it again!" Y/n chuckled, wiping his eyes and looking up to Michael again, who was now avoiding the smaller man's gaze.

   Y/n could feel the gears turning in his head, beginning to put together some connections he'd missed the first time.

   "You know what I think Michael?" Y/n started, "I think that you think I'm pretty too." The boy finished, matter-of-factly. His red face and puffy eyes only adding to the comedy of the situation.

   Michael let out a small exhale that sounded like the noise one would make laughing at something with only their nose, and y/n smiled at him.

   "Maybe I'll be ok here… for a little while…" y/n thought aloud, pulling Michael in for another hug. Michael eagerly returned the gesture and let out another deep satisfied sigh, before breaking it off to fix something in the cabin on his own…

1284 words

Probably not the thrilling update you were all expecting, but I have good news, I've started progress on a part 3, or I might even turn this into an independent book, who knows, thanks for reading, have a great night/day

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