Secret of Dingir

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"Bronze magic:  Dingir: Burst!" Sekke aimed his spear at Heath and his followers

"Now talk!! Who the hell are you?' even though i know you' and why are you taking this stone" Sekke threatened them

"We.. we... We are the Eye of midnight Sun!!" One of the follower said

"Your objectives!?"

"We-" before they could talk they started to turn to dust but then Sekke threw his spear next to them.

"Bronze Magic: Dingir" after Sekke said that the mana around Heath and his followers started to move toward the spear.

"The-the mana! The spear is absorbing the mana!!" Noelle said as she pointed to Sekke's spear.

"How is that possible!?" Magna and Asta said

"Well... My Magic lets me absorbs mana like what you saw earlier, i can also fill it up with mana and throw it around, the mana inside the spear lets me teleport or release the magic. And it also lets me store the mana so it doesn't consume many magic power which is very useful." Sekke stopped his explanation.

"Then how long will it takes to fill a spear?" Noelle asked

"For a normal person it might take a week or so to fill up, but i can customize the spear's capacity." Sekke answered

"And how long is this?" Magna asked

"I dont know? , Maybe like 10 years?" Sekke shrugged.

"Thats..." Magna was about to say something but stops.

"Then what was that?! Red and blue aura you made!?" Asta yelled at me

"That's the Mana thats about to burst out of the spear."

"How did you stop it?"

"Hey Idiotsta of course he customized the spear's capacity! Right?" Noelle said

"Well Yes but actually No. I Erased the mana in the spear."

"Wait like my anti magic??"

"Correct! But even if i say erased its more like taking the mana back to my body."

"Do basically you absorbed it!" Magna said


"Didn't know you're smart? You bug" Noelle said to Magna

"Of i am- wait you should call me Magna-senpai cause im your senior!!!!!!"

"Hmph! A bug is a bug" Noelle said as she flick her hair.

"I will not let you take us even we if have no magic we can still-"

"Stay down"
Sekke created chains that absorbs mana and binded the Eye of midnight Sun members.

"Now lets wait, oh! How is Seihi-san!?"

"He's fine! Its a good thing that you saved him before he lost more blood and that thing you said to me worked!" Magna said

"Wait you mean burning his wound?" Noelle said

"Yeah! Though it will leave a mark he still was saved."
"Now he just needs to rest!"

After saying that they sat and rested until reinforcement arrives.

Reincarnated As Sekke Bronzazza (Black Clover Fanfiction) RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now