Missing you

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Hey Guys! so this is the second chapter. Hope you guys enjoy it! Oh, I recommend the video if you guys want it to be more easier to imagine. The video is so sweet😢. Okay, let's go on with the story.


"Urmmm... Komander who is this?" Ask Gopal pointing at the red guy.

"Oh, this is Lak..."

"I'M HERE! Huff huff..." shout Boboiboy as soon he enters the room and bending to his knees to catch his breathing.

Kokoci words had been snapped by Boboiboy. Boboiboy is tired after all the crazy fire outbreak at one of the practice rooms. Luckily, Ochobot came just in time to help him.


"Oi Ais! Help us, you sleepyhead!" Shout Solar who is throwing endless water to the fire.

"Why?" Ask Ais bewilderedly while hugging his whale plushy tightly.

"Didn't you see the fire?!" Shout Halilintar controlling his anger.

Ais change his attention to the huge fire with unfazed face.

"Hurmm... Ais Pembeku!" Said Ais lazily.

Ais lazily put out the fire with his power and crashing into his sleep back again.


"No!!!! My plant.... Is FREEZING!!" Cried Duri.

It looks like Ais is accidentally froze duri's plant without knowing it or should I say doesn't even care about it.

"Let me melt it." Said Blaze already summoned his fire.

"No! We don't wanna another outbreak" said Gempa stoping Blaze to do so.

Suddenly, the door is open.

"What you guys elementals are doing?" Ask Ochobot who is entering the room just now.

"Urghhh... Boboiboy just wanna us to practice."

"Warghhh!!! Taufan do something!" Cried Duri while clinging to Taufan.

Before I go further, this story can make the elementals live like real living beings and different consciousness from Boboiboy based on their personalities. If you want to know more, you can read it at Shinichi2504 stories. You all know the elemental's personalities right. If you don't know I will explain it to you personally so feel free to message me.

The practice room looks messy. Fire burning there and there. A huge iceberg taking over almost half of the room and a lot of plants owned by Duri.

"Haish... you guys really in trouble. Go to the main hangar I will settle this." Said Ochobot.

With that Ochobot pushes a new button on the right side of the door.

Ochobot knows about the hangar thing because Fang told him and his instincts say he knows where Boboiboy is.

Boboiboy merges back.

"Wow! that's new." Said Boboiboy full of interest.

"It's a new system created by Nut. Come on now." Said Boboiboy while pulling Boboiboy out from the room.

"Okok" said Boboiboy trailing Ochobot from behind.

End of flashback...

Sorry, I just realized something. The timing when Boboiboy enters the hangar is too fast. Sorry guys. Please go on and ignore that.

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