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An hour later I met Deniz at the entrance of Art Life, Semiha had an early meeting today and wasn't here yet which gave us time to do this like we planned. Thankfully Serkan was also away from the office at the moment.

We went to the conference room that was currently everyone's office. Serkan had taken to this place after I joined the company and Semiha felt like retreating upstairs was letting him win, and she didn't want to do that, no matter how small the battle was. I sat down on Semiha's side of the table and gave Deniz a look, he was wearing a blue suit jacket with a white shirt this morning and he was fidgety, it would be hilarious to watch if it didn't make me slightly sad too.

"Your dad wants you to also look the part of the rightful heir?" I asked him knowingly.

He gave me a smile that didn't reach his eyes "Well... you know, we do for family"

"To me it seems like lately you're doing a lot of things for other people"

He looked away for a second "As opposed to before when I was doing whatever I wanted, no?"

I stood up and came closer putting my hand on his arm reassuringly. "I didn't say that Deniz, come on. Don't let your family guilt trip you for living your life, there's a difference between that and being selfish"

"Its time to grow up Eda" He sounded annoyed and resigned at the same time.

I wanted to have a long conversation with him about this, but this wasn't the time. Especially when I looked at my phone and saw a message from Melo that read: She is here.

I showed it to Deniz and he nodded slightly. Then he proceeded to get even closer to me and started whispering things in my ear, he was actually telling me stupid jokes that were honestly making me giggle from the silliness of it all.

He was my best childhood friend, If there was anyone that I could play this game with without much effort was him.

"Deniz stop!" I giggled in a high pitched voice and a smile on my face, I hit him softly on the arm while he put a hand around me. Okay, so the hand placement felt a bit weird, but this was what we had agreed to.

He laughed softly too. "So tonight?" He said in a low tone like it was our secret "You want to come over?"

I giggled mostly because I thought about what usually happened when I went to Deniz's place, we usually spent the night playing video games or board games and acting as children. That's what we did, we reverted to our 6 year old selves when we were together.

"Maybe" I answered playfully and in that moment Semiha came in. She cleared her throat as if she was interrupting an intimate moment between us.

Deniz let me go and stepped away quickly. I looked away from him, and then to Semiha trying to appear guilty.

"Good morning you two" She told us with a hint of a smile on her face.

Deniz cleared his throat "Good morning Semiha Hannin, I was just asking Eda to-"

"He wants me to come with him to see a few of the construction sites for the showrooms" I interrupted

"That sounds like a good idea" She said moving to sit at her throne, still looking at us approvingly. "In fact I think you should go do that and then we can arrange a dinner with your dad Deniz Bey, it would be good to sit at a table all together"

"Of course" He said and I could see the tightness in his smile, it might not be obvious to most people but all those years of friendship were not in vain.

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