Dead or Alive

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Tw: blood, language

Every once and a while I would see bright lights, which made me believe I was dead. Still, the thought of what Dream said lingered in my mind. "I told you, leave her alive." After him saying that, there's no way I'm dead.


I don't believe in god, if I'm being honest. I guess that means I don't believe in heaven. If that belief makes me rot in hell for the rest of eternity, so be it.

Still, deep down, I don't want to die.

3rd Person POV

The second the L'Manberg citizens opened the empty chests, they knew something was up. And where did Blaze go? In the middle of the room stood a blackstone pillar with a bright red pillar.

"What is this?" Tommy asked, pointing at the button.

"Why are the chests empty?" Tubbo stated the obvious. Eret gulped, taking a deep breath.

"Eret?" Wilbur asked, staring at the man in confusion. "What did you do..."

Suddenly Eret banged his first on the button. The room began to shift, making the walls open up.

"What is this?" Fundy asked.

Then out of the walls came Dream, Punz, and Sapnap. Wilburs eyes went wide as Eret pulled out his sword.

"A traitor!" He yelled.

Then they began to battle.

The team of Dream SMP had them beat in minutes. Wilbur yelled at them to retreat. As Eret fought, he said something that would be engraved into everyone's minds till their dying day.

"Down with the revolution boys," He said. "It was never meant to be." Wilbur finally ran to the stairs, trying to go up. Tommy pushed past him, staring at Eret.

"Tommy wait..." Tommy shushed Wilbur's scolding, staring at the man in complete and utter anger. The members of the Dream SMP stood tall in victory.

No one noticed Dream slipping out.

"Eret, I mean this in the nicest way possible. You fucked up," Tommy snapped. Eret scoffed.

Wilbur pulled Tommy out, making sure he didn't do anything stupid. As soon as the beaten down citizens of L'Manberg arrived outside, they screamed at the sight of Blaze lying there. She looked almost peaceful except for the wound on her chest. Dream and George were walking away, satisfied with their work.

"Dream you son of a bitch! What did you do to her?" Tommy screamed. He began to run at Dream before Wilbur held him back.

George smiled, happy he got the chance to hurt Blaze.

Dream, however, felt more hurt than he had in a long time as he watched Wilbur carry Blaze's half dead body out of the forest and towards the walls.


Blaze faded in and out of consciousness while Fundy and Niki worked endlessly to keep her alive. Niki didn't usually work in the medbay, but they were low on medics due to Blaze lying there with her abdomen cut open. They fed her 2 healing potions which did help the shortage of breathing. Tommy wouldn't leave the room, so Fundy asked him for small favors. It had already been 5 sleepless hours of trying to keep the poor wounded girl alive. Niki's hands shook, as she didn't want to mess up, while Fundy looked like he did this in his sleep. Tubbo came in a few times, setting a white rose next to the bed. Wilbur couldn't bear to see her in the helpless state she was in. It was beginning to grow early in the morning, but not one single person slept. Tubbo came in with Tommy, and they both sat watching the 2 doctors work the night away. Wilbur couldn't stop shaking. He couldn't focus on the book he was reading, and he couldn't write a word without dropping the pen onto the paper.

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