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Talulah's P.O.V.

*2 months later*

I think Harry is going to break up with me.

The past three months have been some of the most amazing of my life, which sounds cheesy but it's true. I ended up staying at Flood & Strobel, and I was really enjoying working there. Harry gave me more responsibilities which kept me busy. Honestly I was grateful for it because every time I had nothing to do, we were just tempted to just spend all day messing around on his couch.

More often than not I am going to his place after work and spending the night. He even made space for me in his stupidly big walk in closet so I could leave a few things there during the week. He also likes to sneak in new outfits in between my old clothes, and pretends like he doesn't know how they got there. Thank god I don't have any pets because they probably would've died by now.

He treated me like a freaking princess. He would take me out to dinner at fancy restaurants. He would come over to my place on the weekends to bake with me and dance around my kitchen. He told me I could use his place to bake any time I wanted, but I liked that I knew where everything was and how everything worked in my own home.

Lately though, he has been acting stranger than usual. He's been coming back to the apartment late, leaving early in the morning before I am even up. He even cancelled our date night the other day. He said he'd make it up to me on Friday, but we already had plans that day, and I was starting to doubt if he even remembered.

My logical brain is telling me that there is no way he would cheat on me. But when it comes to Harry it is hard to use my logical brain. My mind would wander with the possibilities of who it could be, or what she looked like. My anxiety would tell me that it was the skinny model type that he used to hook up with. I would have a few nights of feeling less than, or not enough, but then he would come home and he would make me feel like I was the only woman in the world. I was spending less and less time at my own apartment. It just felt so small and empty. Like the stillness of it all was crushing me. But then Harry's place when I was there alone felt so cold and lonely. That's when I realized Harry himself was the closest thing to home I would ever get.

When I woke up Friday morning, I expected to wake up wrapped up in Harry's arms, but the bed was practically cold. I am not gonna lie, it was a little disheartening. I convinced myself that I was being selfish. He's a busy man, I understand he has to get to work before everyone, but you would think considering we are going to the exact same place, he would wake me up and we could go together.

I also had my hopes slightly up considering it was my first birthday that I got to spend with them. I really just wanted to stay home and spend all day in bed with him, but we both had jobs that had to get done because life doesn't magically stop for birthdays.

I got dressed for work and headed down to the parking lot to get in my car. But then I heard music blasting from a car nearby.

Not just any music.


"Express Yourself" was cranked at full volume, and not that it is ever too early for Madonna, but even I was getting a bit of a headache. I decided to follow it to see who had the impeccable music taste, and I find none other than Ben with all the windows to the car rolled down with a party blower in his mouth and a birthday hat on.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATERIAL GIRL!" he yelled out the window. "Hop in! I'm taking you to work!"

I jump in the passenger side. "Benny Ninja what is all this?" There was confetti in the car and a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" sign attached to the back windshield. Before I even had my seatbelt on he put a party hat on my head and stuck a party blower in my mouth.

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