23. Jealous

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Cosette nearly dropped the pan of cranberry crumble when she heard someone aparate into her house. She placed the pan on top of the stove and turned to see Nick standing next to her kitchen table.

    "Just because I lifted your block does not mean you can pop in whenever you feel like it," she huffed out, sliding off her oven mitts and tossing them on the counter. Nick only shrugged his shoulders and smiled innocently.

    "What am I supposed to do?" He asked her. "Take the bus down here like some common muggle? I can't apparate to your doorstep either, you have neighbors who might see it."

    Cosette pointed at the landline hanging next to the fridge, "I have a phone, Nick. You can call and give me a heads up."

    Again, he shrugged and stepped towards the dessert that just came out of the oven. He glanced at it hungrily, "Can I have some?"


    "And why not?"

    "It's for tonight. I'm going to the burrow for dinner," Cosette slapped his hand away before he could pick at a piece. "Molly invited me, they're celebrating Arthur's promotion or something I'm not actually too sure."

    Nick nodded and pulled open the overhead cupboards, scanning through what was inside. This was the first time he had been inside Cosette's house and curiosity was getting the better of him.

    He opened up the fridge and ducked his head down to look at what was stocked inside and Cosette rolled her eyes, grabbing a towel off the counter to hit him on the arm with it.

    "Why are you here?" She asked him.

    "I was going to see if you wanted to come out with me and some friends," Nick shut the fridge door and wandered back over to the table. He glanced down at the cardboard box that Cosette had yet to move, or even continue to go through, and reached inside, "What is this stuff?"

    "Don't, please," Cosette walked forward and grabbed his wrist before Nick could grab any of its contents, "Don't touch anything."

    "Why not?" Nick pulled his arm away, only half listening to what his sister asked. He grabbed a stack of notes and started flipping through them. His eyes widened as he read the words to himself, "Are these old notes that you used to pass in class?"

    "I don't know, Nick," Cosette sighed and tried to grab the papers away from him but he held them higher up so she couldn't reach. "Please, give them back."

    "Rosemary or rose petals?" He asked, reading it out loud. He cleared his throat and changed his pitch to be higher, "Why are you writing me a note when I'm sitting right beside you-" Nick snapped his head towards Cosette, "Wait, sorry, are these notes from Fred?"

    Cosette jumped up and grabbed the papers back with a grimace. She scanned over them quickly and was instantly flooded with warmth as she recognized Fred's writing again. Cosette smiled as she read the notes that they used to pass each other, usually in Potions class because Fred rarely paid any attention to the lectures.

    "How much shit did he keep?" Nick asked, mostly to himself as he continued to rummage through the box. Cosette turned back towards him and shoved him out of the way so he would stop looking through it. She placed the notes back in the box but was still riding off that memory from when they were younger, which made it hard to be upset with Nick.

    "A lot," she admitted. "He kept a lot from our relationship, things that I completely forgot about."

    "Damn," Nick breathed out. "Where'd you find the box?"

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