Miyawaki Sakura - Pink Haired Gamer

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Got inspired after watching Sakura gaming video. ENJOY!

After the pandemic situation starting to get better , the number of customer coming to Y/n cyber cafe is increasing. He feel relieved that his business is back again. He must work at the cafe . Amidst the pandemic , he had to lay off some workers because he cant afford to pay them. Now , he called some of them back and they work in shift again. Sometime , y/n came just to hang out at the place , sometime he had to work by himself during night shift.

"Thanks God , my regular customer start coming"

Its weekend , he saw familiar faces coming in through the door. The place is hectic as it should be. Yells , here and there can be heard as the customers are very immersed in playing games. It doesn't bother y/n at all because its a norm in his work. Usually at afternoon , number of people coming in are lesser because its lunch hour. So y/n aren't expecting anyone else . So he turned on YouTube to watch some stuff. Suddenly, the glass door creaked open , making the bell clinging. He look up to the direction because the figure behind the frosted glass look unfamiliar. A girl with pink hair walked in. Y/n paused his video because he never saw that girl , so he was expecting her to register first. But the girl went directly to the PC instead and log in right away.

"Oh , she got some balance on her account ? I never see her tho"

The girl caught his attention for awhile , maybe because she is the prettiest customer he ever meet so far. Y/n cannot stop checking on her from his table . Unlike usual female customer , that girl didnt hold herself. She yelled , both frustrated and cheering many times. Y/n think she is unique and start to grow interest on her.

"What am i thinking , she probably still in high school . Stop it , y/n " Y/n thought to himself .

Starting from that day , the girl regularly came to the cyber cafe. Noticing that she always came on the afternoon , y/n switch shift with his subordinate and started working on the day shift instead. Its more tiring for him but he just want to see that girl everyday. Seeing her happy while playing games make him happy too . Sometime , y/n secretly put extra hours/minute into her account so that she can play longer. Its been going for almost two weeks , she didnt even change her spot. It seems like she knew that the particulars spot she always go to , will have a vacancy on the afternoon .

at the university

Its Friday , Sakura had only one class , right before afternoon. Tired and hungry because of the late class , Sakura didnt go straight to the cyber cafe she usually visit. She went to nearby cafe and had her meal first.

"What ? i only bring this much ? Aaaaa the ATM is too far. hmm .... Screw it , ill just use this"
Sakura opened her wallet , not much cash left . She used it all to pay for her lunch . After paying , she went to the cyber cafe , to spend times probably till late night.

cyber cafe

Y/n is waiting for that girl but she came late this time. He cant sit still , switching from his computer to his phone. Not knowing what to do. He didnt even go to the toilet because he dont want to miss seeing that girl coming through the door.

"Where is she ? "
Y/n thought to himself. He then turned his chair to look at the CCTV monitor behind him . To his suprised , he saw a familiar face on the monitor . It is the live feed of the staircase , heading up to his cyber cafe. After looking at it throughly , he finally realized thats her. As a gentleman businesss owner himself , he went outside to meet her at the staircase.

"Excuse me ? Can i help you , miss..?"

"Sakura. My name is Sakura sir. Hmmmm ... so i rushed here . But i forgot that i have used up all my cash . And as i remember , the hour balance on my account is almost up so , maybe i came next time. To reload it and play "

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