Sixteen - Survivors Of A Dark Age

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I stared at the stupid bracelet around my wrist.

I had washed off all the potato mush carefully, unable to throw it away like I told Jungkook I would, because... well.... I don't know. I don't know what made me keep it. Wether it was the fact that it served as a reminder of what I managed to do today or the fact that Jungkook was the one giving me it.

"You done yet?" I looked up at Jungkook impatiently, who was coming out of this damned grocery store, wiping the blade of his scythe with a paper towel.

"Yup, les' get away from here." He bumped his free fist into the air, very energetic, "Damn, Chibi, I can't recall the last time I ate that much."

I grimaced, "You are disgusting. What were you doing in there for so long anyways?"

He smiled sweetly, "Nothing important, let's go back to the drug store n' get our stuff."

"You... you sure you don't wanna check if there's more rooms these rich fucks hid from us?" I asked, cocking my head slightly.

He put his free hand onto my back, gently leading me away from the building we just exited, "Let's not go back, Chibi. This was pretty exiting for you, no? And you still must be pretty tired from last night, how about you go back to sleep for a bit?"

He was behaving strange, but I decided not to comment on it, "Sure, whatever."

I followed him back to our current hideout, uncomfortable feeling gnawing on my insides.

I used to think that Jungkook and I where the only ones left. But then we met Moonbyul and Yoongi. And now these two psychos.

It made me wonder who else was out there, alone, fighting for their lives, thinking that no one else was there anymore.

"What issit, Kiddo? Ya look so gloomy." Jungkook commented, ruffling one hand through my hair amicably.

"I know you don't like the idea for some reason, but I want to find more survivors." I blurted out, nervous about saying it, "I know that... I probably shouldn't say that after what we experienced with Byul and Yoongi, but I just can't help but to believe that we'd have better chances in a group. Humanity has never been fighting alone before, why should we now?"

My companion stayed silent for some while, just quietly walking next to me with his eyes trained onto the ground, until he spoke up eventually, "You're right, Chickie. I heckin' hate the idea of traveling around with more people. I know that humans are bound to be assholes n' I've never been one to fight for the greater good. That's not my thing. I'm not a... team kinda person, if that makes sense."

I gave him crooked smile, "But we work together well, don't we?"

His lips twitched and he looked away, very bad at hiding his smile, "Yeah, but that's... that's you, Chickie. Y'know why I don't wanna travel around with more? I ain't no ass, of course I'd wanna safe survivors in danger. But since I found you I don't really care about any other dipshits."

"Charming, really." I snorted, "But you know you're contradicting yourself right now? On the one hand you say you would save survivors, on the other hand you say you hate the idea of traveling with more people?"

"First of all: I don't even know what contradicting means." Jungkook started, "And secondly: That's different. Saving lives when I can vs. giving up my personal comfort for the greater good of random strangers. S' not the same."

"Your personal comfort?" I echoed, questioning what on earth Jungkook saw as comforting in his current situation.

When he looked at me again there was an odd look in his eyes. I couldn't decide wether it was bitter or remorseful, "I- I like the thing we have right now. I like being on the go each day, free to go wherever I want to. And I-"

"What do you mean 'free to go'?!" I stared at him bewildered, stopping in my tracks, "Our lives are in danger literally wherever we go. Is that what you consider freedom?"

Jungkook cocked a brow, ironic smile on his face, "Y' don't know what my life looked like before all of this, Kiddo. And, no, as long as I'm with you none of our lives will ever be endangered."

The mere mention of his past shut my mouth effectively, only able to mumble a small, "Cocky fuck."

He chuckled swatting the back of my head playfully, before moving forward again, "You sayin' I'm wrong?"

I remained silent, which was answer enough.

"Also, Chickie," He turned towards me one more time, uncharacteristically warm look on his face startling me, "The other reason why I don't like traveling with others: I like it when all your attention is on me. I like it when we're on the run together and I also like the peaceful moments we have. You can't know it, but I've never felt close to anyone ever." He made a pause, looking almost embarrassed, "With you I do. And I wouldn't wanna trade it with anything. That's my personal comfort."

He shouldered his scythe and turned back around walking towards our hide out. I stared at his back, words jumbling through my brain like a firework - loud and thunderous and chaotic.

"Y' don't know what my life looked like before all of this, Kiddo."

"You can't know it, but I've never felt close to anyone."

God, just who is Jeon Jungkook really?

"With you I do. And I wouldn't wanna trade it with anything."

And why was he making me feel things that did not belong into the apocalypse?


The blade cut clean through Purple Haired's neck, blood splattering against the opposite wall. Doing this was nothing but routine, for him.

He worked quietly, concentrated, in a familiar pattern he'd repeated over and over and over already.

Like always, did his mind space out, brain blocking out the gory image in front of him.

Instead his mind fell back to the scene of her more than clumsy rescue.

She'd landed right in the fucking middle of the dinner table and still somehow managed to make it.

"Eat my ass, you yuppie fuck."

His lips twitched.

The image of her punching Purple Haired's throat would forever be ingrained in his mind. Her stubborn refusal of stabbing the woman, her firm morals and unwillingness to get any blood on her hands amazed him.

She was truly good.

Before, he'd believed that being good was equal with being weak or soft. But she wasn't either.

She was strong and good.

As he was done, he plucked a few paper towels from the table, scrubbing the blood off his blade.


oooh thats dark isn't it


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