Piece #2

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I was staring off into the bright sky when-

"Pay attention Sergeant!"(Commander)

"Ah? Sorry about that sir..."(Y/N)

"What is with you?"(Commander)

"Just thinking."(Y/N)

"Whatever. We had new rookies the other day and they are a hassle to deal with. I was told you were fit for this type of job. Whip em into shape would ya?"(Commander)

"Just leave it to me."(Y/N)

Trust me. I have a few ideas...
I entered in the training grounds where the rookies were located. A few male and female operatives had come to try to get them under control. I put up my hand for them to stop. Then I began.

"So, who amongst you here do not know who I am?"(Y/N)

"All of us dickface!"(Rookie)

"Ah I see a brave rookie. You will be very useful in the future...useful as cannon fodder of course."(Y/N)

"Wha-how dare you-"(Rookie)

"Now shut up and take the paper and pen."(Y/N)


He took the paper and pen and began the survey. One by one I ordered them to do the same. Then one by one they completed it. I read some of them and obviously they were fooling around. I expected this. I smiled a little proposed something.

"Ok...how would you like for training to be?"(Y/N)

"Someone put down, l"go home." Alright. You'll be sent home. Train there. Then you'll be thrown right into war."(Y/N)

They sweat dropped at this. I then took one that had a proper answer.

"Someone put down, 'more breaks and maybe the instructors can join in as well for moral support?' That can be arranged."(Y/N)

Everyone was surprised at this but didn't say anything. I started to read out the rest. Those that were unreasonable were thrown out while the more sensible ones were taken into full consideration. Slowly but surely, they grew to accept their new training.


The rookies had finished their 8 week training. It was brutal but they made it through. Now it was time for their first mission.

"Remember boys...stay frosty."(Y/N)

"Yes sir!"

Male gamer reader x RWBY HAREM(Rwby fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now