Your biography

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(Y/N) is an acronym honed by many particular fanficiton, a literary work of fiction written by a fan of, and featuring characters from, a particular TV series, movie, etc, which purpose is to replace and/or shorten the term (Your name) in stories that include the reader's themselves.


Sex: Yes

Aura color: Black

Eye color: Blue

Hair Color: Black



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You like to wear black mask because you hate your face

You also wear black jeans

And always wear a black hoodie wherever you go (Even in the shower)

for the inner you wear another black hoodie, and inner is another black hoodie, and on good days you go for another layer of black hoodie and on bad days its three more

Also black gloves

and black underwear

and rainbow socks because your q u i r k y

Age: For legal reasons, 18


An AK47 that can turn into an axe, lance, sword, dildo, bow, chainsaw, shotgun, and scythe

An AK47 that can turn into an axe, lance, sword, dildo, bow, chainsaw, shotgun, and scythe

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