Nightime at the fair

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TW - suggestive hints to suicide/self harm, no actual talk of it

[a/n] hello! if you haven't seen my message board, chapters should resume normally!! I also wanted to clear something up since I did see a comment about it. about the vacation + covid, I am a minor and not trusted alone for a week. despite me not wanting to go bc of covid, i really did not have a choice, I did social distance, wear my mask as much as possible, sanitize and everything. under no circumstances would I travel if I had the choice, I hope you understand and my apologies if there was any confusion

wordcount - 1318

George led the way to one of his favorite rides, the fireball. A simple ride that didn't go too far up. (also happening to be one of my favorites) It was a large loop, where the cart goes around, often stopping at the top to let everyone dangle upside down.

George had a tight grip on Dreams hand, their fingers intertwined and palms sharing body heat. The second Dream realized George was bringing them into the quick pass line he tried to back out and turn back. But with George refusing to let his hand untangle from his, he was unable.

Today was Georges day, but there was no way in hell he was getting on that ride. He'd probably puke if he did, and that wouldn't be fun nor ideal.

"Listen I love you but I'm not going on this." He shook his head and tried to recoil his arm once more but to no avail.

George spun on his heel and turned his head up to Dream. Their gaze met. George looked into his eyes, his own glossy like a puppy's and giving off feigned innocence.

"Not gonna work his time." He shook his head in an amused manner, his blonde locks swaying with his movements. He knew George had his own ways of trying to get what he wanted, puppy eyes, begging, favors, anything of the sort.

The couple stepped off to the side to let a few others infront of them, not wanting to hold up the line with some tiny back and forth bickering.

"Fine, I'll go on by myself." George sighed in defeat, he didn't want to pressure Dream into riding something he didn't want to especiallyif it would make him sick. Before leaving he handed his phone to Dream to hold, so it wouldn't fall out of his pocket.

Dream watched, he was nervous and he wasn't even going on the ride. He tapped his foot against the pavent anxiously as he watched George get on. He messed with the back of his lovers phone case, watching as George was secured in the seat. He even completed getting on last minute but in the end, decided against it. George was grown and there was no reason to be worried about him, well, worried about him on the ride.

George however, could not be more excited. A few more people got onto the ride, a man maybe a year older than George seated next to him. He looked afraid to be on the ride, his mouth scrunched (?) to the side, eyes darting around and hands gripping tightly on the seat. It reminded him of how Dream seemed on the super shot.

He was about to make small talk, maybe try to ease his nerves but just as his mouth opened the ride had just started. The cart slowly went around, speeding up a bit more every time they went in a full circle.

Adrenaline rushed through Georges bloodstream, a smile containing both nervousness and fun formed by his plump lips.

George didn't remember the ride scaring him this much, it wasn't even an intense ride but as they hung upside down, George felt himself getting sick. Not like throwing up sick, just merely sick. His stomach turned for every second they dangled, and he understood why Dream didn't want to board the ride.

He closed his eyes and before he knew it, the ride was over. It was a pretty short ride full of fear, fun, and excitement.

He waited for the operator to unbuckle him before running off back to Dream, who now wore a smile of relief.

"How was it?" Dream pulled George close with an arm around his shoulder. He felt better with George off the ride, there was no reason or rhyme to why, he just did.

"Scarier than I remember." He hadn't been on the ride for a few years, last being maybe when he was 16 or 17.

"Atleast you're not that guy." Dream pointed behind them, prompting George to turn his head and view.

The man who had sat besides George was sitting on a bench, his face red and a sour expression. He looked like he was going to throw up, a female sat besides him laughing. The ride wasn't that bad, maybe he just had a weak stomach.

George hummed in agreement, not using the energy he had to speak. The two started walking again, George laying his head on the side of Dreams chest.


The two decided on one more ride before leaving, the clasic ferris wheel. Its not a true trip to the fair unless you go on it, and as usual the line was very long. Both dreaded the wait, but Dream more than George.

Long lines and long waits were definitely Dreams number one reason for hating fairs but George being with him made it so much more tolerable.

Dream bounced his weight between each foot, swaying side to side in an impatient manner. It felt like they'd been standing there forever and the crying child behind them only made it worse. George however seemed to be in his own little world, blocking out everything except for Dreams hand, which he was playing with; he'd run his fingers along his knuckles, pull on his fingers, compare their hand sizes, anything to rid him of boredom.

It seemed like years were passing for every minute they stood there.

Finally, they were able to get onto the large ferris wheel. They walked up to the operator to show him their tickets and their footsteps synced with each step. After confirming, they both entered the booth and took a seat besides eachother.

Their cart moved up so the next people could get onto the ride. It didn't alarm Dream, he felt safer in the ferris wheel then to say a rollercoaster. The more they moved up, the nicer the view got.

The sky was a dark blue, their vision clouded with the bright lights of the city and other fair rides. It was beautiful to say the least, but what was even more beautiful to Dream, was George. His eyes scanned the scenery as he leaned over slightly, his brown hair flowing in the slight night breeze.

Nighttime at the fair were so much better than day. Day was plain, humid and packed. Night however seemed to be more calm, a perfect temperature for a decent night and experience; and with most people leaving the fair around 4-5 PM, there wasn't so many people.

"You know we have to talk about it sometime, right?" It was suggestive, he didn't blantly say what it was, but George knew.

"Right now?" George thought the timing was horrible, and it was, they were on a ferris wheel and it definitely wouldn't be the appropriate setting for such a conversation.

"Of course not, whenever you're ready and maybe when were somewhere a little private." His voice was gentle. His touch was soft. His words were sweeter than honey. A little chuckle to lighten the mood followed his words.

George didn't continue on with the conversation, he simply rested his head on Dreams shoulder and allowed them both to ease in on the nice ride.


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