Bonus Chapter - "Erotica"

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A/N: Just a warning that this chapter features some seriously kinky shit, more than some people might be comfortable with. Also, potential trigger warning for sexual violence. All consensual, ofc. Enjoy 😉 xoxo Ami



a Smoke of Sighs bonus chapter
by Ami



My fingers drum against the kitchen countertop. The clock ticks. The fridge buzzes.

I groan, roll my head back and around til there's a crackle. I woke up this morning feeling all restless, itching for something to take the edge off.

My bike's outta commission while I wait for a spare part to ship in. Plus, Toronto's perpetually cramped and congested. No open roads, no sprawling highways where I can crank up the speed, squeeze the engine to its limits, get a little hazardous.

I mean, things are good, things are fine, but frankly I miss getting shit-faced, miss getting all scuffed up in a brawl with some drunken asshole-idiot. Miss doing stupid shit just for the thrill of it.

I down the dregs of another cup of coffee then drop the mug into the sink. Layla's spending the weekend over at my place. I'm trying not to bug her. It's a Saturday afternoon, she's busy clacking away at her laptop, working on her master's research project.

Or not. The door to my bedroom's ajar. When I glance in, I find her with her laptop discarded onto the crumpled sheets beside her. Curled up against the headboard, knees tucked to her chest, a tiny pair of pyjama shorts and a thin white tank-top. She's holding onto her cell-phone, peering at it with rapt, glazy eyes.

Her teeth dig into the soft, plush pout of her bottom lip. Her pert toes wiggle restlessly. Her hips squirm down into the covers. She isn't wearing a bra, and her nipples poke against her shirt in dark, tight peaks.

I lean against the doorframe, watching her silently.

She bends a slender finger, brings it up to her mouth, chews distractedly on her knuckle. Her cheeks are flushed. Her gaze drags down the screen, her thumb flicks upwards, scrolling. I watch as her eyes get a little wider, a teeny hum gushing past her lips.

Whatever shit she's busy reading, I know it's absolutely fucking filthy.

She's so enraptured that she doesn't even hear me step into the room.

"What're you reading?"

She gasps, clicks her phone frantically shut, wraps her arms around herself, her face growing red. "Nothing."

Her embarrassment makes me chuckle. "Liar." She narrows her eyes at me as I approach the bed and collapse onto my stomach near her feet. I toss her a knowing smirk. "It's dirty, isn't it? I bet it's dirty."

She shrugs airily, purses her lips, doesn't meet my eye. Oh yeah. Really dirty.

I reach for her ankle and she wriggles because she's ticklish. My lips graze along her instep, scraping higher and higher, up her calf, to the soft dip at the back of her knee. She lets out a puff of breath, her fingers worming their way into the top of my hair. "Read it for me," I grumble. "I dare you."

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