[ 44 ] it's what she's always wanted

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"I KISSED HER, Scott." Stiles confessed.

Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski are currently in the confined walls of Stiles' bedroom, while they're supposed to be finding out how they can prove Lydia's not the kanima to Derek and his pack, but evidently get sidetracked by the worry of their best friend.

Scott's brows raise at his confession, which was sort of out of the blue.

"It was two weeks ago." Stiles continued. "God, I was about to tell her I love her after all this time, and then she found out her parents were dead."

"Stiles..." Scott spoke up. "You should still tell her. Everything in her life has fallen apart, knowing how you feel about her could be what it takes."

"What it takes for what?"

"For her voice to come back." Scott said sombrely.

His heart breaks every time Aspen's mouth opens, when she closes it again without saying words.

When Aspen first stopped speaking, Scott and Stiles stayed up for nights on end researching what was going on with her.

They discovered it was called 'Select Mutism', a psychological disorder fuelled by anxiety.

And what broke their hearts even more is that they had no idea how to get her voice back.

"Her entire life has fallen apart." Stiles stated with his head in his hands. "She doesn't deserve to deal with the total mess that is me."

"Hey." Scott objected. "You're right, her whole life has fallen apart. But you know what she has left?"

Stiles took his head out of his hands to face his best friend who was looking right at him.


Scott paused for a brief moment before adding,


Stiles let out a pained sigh as Scott continued to speak.

"She still has you, okay? To me, that girl is like a sister. Allison too. But you? I know how deeply she cares about you, I've known for years. Now everything has finally fallen into place and you feel it back and you're just gonna ignore it? Knowing that you care about her in the same way she cares about you won't be another mess for her to deal with, it could help her."

When Stiles didn't answer him, Scott continued.

"You do feel about her the same way she feels about you, right?"

Stiles didn't answer, but only because his head was so scrambled from all the emotion he was feeling he didn't know what to say, that was, until Scott gave him the final push.

"You do love her, right?"

"Of course I love her!" Stiles finally snapped, standing up from the desk chair he was seated in. "How on earth could I not? She's the best thing to ever happen to me and I've been the worlds biggest idiot for years!
I'm so in love with her that seeing her like this makes me want to die because I can't handle it!

I miss her voice, damnit. I miss her smile, I miss her god-damn happiness."

Stiles suddenly started trashing his desk, throwing pens and paper on the ground and Scott sat idly by in worry.

"I miss that look in her eye when something makes her laugh!" Stiles yelled, as he threw something at a wall. "I miss the sound of her laugh! I miss her jokes, hell, I even miss her fictional character references."

Cross Your Mind , Stiles Stilinski ¹ ✓ Where stories live. Discover now