Chapter 51

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Ame's P.O.V

"Ha ha! I win!" I exclaimed, as giggles echoed around the room.

My face held a cocky grin on its surface, while my eyes playfully challenged the Russian in front of me, who was busy reshuffling the deck.

"Zhis rrround. You von zhis rrround. I vill vin next rrround." Russia declared, while scowling. That set of comments only made me hit my fist on the table, while I gasped for air, due to laughing.

"Vhat?!" The tri-colored country snapped. "Enlighten me on vhy you arrre not taking my thrrreat serrriously."

"I, ha! Ha ha, sorry." I wheezed, though I wasn't really sorry. "It's just that you, ha, made the same 'threat' last game, and look at what happened."

Russia's frown deepened, while his eyes pierced through me. It was honestly hard to take him seriously when he got like that.

I used my hands to push myself up and off of the table back into my seat. I wiped my eyes and removed any and all traces of water caused by my abrupt laughing fit.

"Okay, rematch?" I asked, as my eyes traveled to the layered deck of cards in my opponent's concentrated hands. I took a sip of my water and awaited his answer.

"Uh, duh." He dully responded, which caught me off guard. I choked on my water, and almost spat some out. I began coughing as soon as I swallowed, and Russia handed me a napkin.

"Thanks-" I managed to get out, before I covered my mouth and resumed what was happening to me.

He shrugged, stopped shuffling, and started to place down the cards into two piles face down. I eventually calmed myself down, and lowered the disposable cloth from my face. I crumpled it up into a ball, and shot for the trash can that was in shooting range.

"Yes!" I whispered to myself, when the tissue made it into the wastebasket.

A stack of cards was placed in front of my seat at the table, and another was in front of Russia's. His hand was already placed on the halved deck of cards, like a mouse trap that was waiting to spring.

I placed my hand on top of my own stack of cards, and started the countdown. "Three, two, one."

"Varrr." Russia finished, as we both flipped over the top card on our decks.

"Seven." I stated, while I awaited my enemy's number.

"Nine." He uttered, with a smirk taking over his face. "I vill be taking zhat." His hand slid over his previous card and my card, while he dragged them back to place on the bottom of his deck.

"Three, two, one; war!" I yelled, as I flipped over my next card.

"Six." Russia eyed me for my card number.

"Queen." I boasted. He shook his head and slid his card over to me.

We stayed silent for the next couple of turns, until a war broke out. We had both pulled out tens and had to place three cards face down and flip over the first one to see who won.

"Alrrright, zhrrree, two, one, varrr." Russia uttered.

I flipped over my first card and hoped that it was better than what he had.

A two.

The worst card in the game.

"Two." I groaned, as I awaited a loss.

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