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Please vote, but more importantly, I HUGGED HARRY STYLES!!! It's all explained in the author's note at the end of the chapter. Enjoy the chapter and description of the night, and please don't forget to vote. I hope you meet your fave too because you deserve it. I can't really think of anything better to say, because it's been like 5 days and it still hasn't hit me yet. That's what meeting Harry does to you.

"I want to spend my life, with a girl like you..."

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I wake up to the feeling of the bed shifting under Harry's weight, and I stretch my body out, turning over to face him

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I wake up to the feeling of the bed shifting under Harry's weight, and I stretch my body out, turning over to face him.

"You're home," I yawn, smiling as I reach my arms up to him to hug me. He returns with a small smile, but it almost seems forced in a sense.

"I'm home," he states, leaning down to cuddle me. "I didn't mean to wake you."

He slips in underneath the covers beside me, pulling his shirt over his head, displaying the array of tattoos sprawled impulsively over his body.

"You're easily forgiven," I smile, as he wraps his arm around my shoulder, so that my head is resting on his chest, feeling the steady rise and fall of his breathing, comforting me. My fingers draw incoherent patterns along the outline of his chest muscles, and his breath hitches in his throat, his stance tightening. But something isn't quite right.

"What's wrong babe?" I ask, hoping I'm just imagining whatever it is that I'm picking up on. "How'd it go with your sister?"

Since returning home from the restaurant, it was evident that something wasn't resting well with Harry, and I completely understood his reasoning to visit his sister's house to resolve things. I'm met with silence, and I continue rubbing his chest, showing him through my subtle touches that I'm here for him, though he remains quiescent.

"Harry?" I ask, the pitch in my voice rising slightly out of concern. "Please tell me what's the matter."

He shakes his head, and I feel the internal war that's waging inside of him, unsure of how to word what he's about to tell me.

"Ivory... I lied. I lied to you."

The words hang in the air for a few moments, and I try to comprehend what he wants to tell me.

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