"Did we just turn that bird into a girl?"

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         "Prongs!" Sirius calls from the comfort of his bed, twirling his wand in one hand and eating a jelly bean with the other, while Remus Lupin reads a book and Peter Pettigrew attempts a muggle crossword game.

James Potter looks up from the pile of dirty laundry where he was looking for his tie that mysteriously disappeared. "What?"

"There's a bird in the room." He states casually, pointing towards the raven that perches on the open window sill. The comment makes all three boys look up. 

Remus, who's closest to the window, shakes his hands towards the bird. "Shoo!" The bird jumps a bit, flapping its wings, but refusing to move.

James jumps forward suddenly, grabbing the bird firmly, but gently. "Stop!" He shoots Remus a look, who returns a confused one. "I need a bird to practice my transfiguration and this is perfect." The bird caws loudly and tries to escape his grip, nipping him in the hands. James curses, making the boys laugh.

"Why do you have to use this random bird? You can just ask McGonagall for a tamed one." Remus questions, watching the raven in James' hands as Peter nods, agreeing.

"Why ask Minnie when this one pops in at the perfect time?" He responds as he tries to close all the windows with his head until Sirius eventually helps.

"Do not let go of that bird in our dorm!" Remus insists loudly, throwing both James and Sirius dangerous looks. Peter creeps his way towards Remus, siding with him. "Don't you dare." He clenches his jaw.

James gives him a smirk. "Now, I have to." 

He lets go of the bird and chaos ensues. The raven flies around frantically for an escape as every single marauder screams like girls. James was laughing at first, but it changed when the bird almost flew straight into him. They jump around, pointing and yelling.

"Grab it!"

"Open the window!"


"Get it!

After a minute of absolute mayhem, they seem to remember that they're wizards and start shooting spells left and right. Lights flash as magic shoots towards the raven, although most miss the fast bird and hit the walls. Somehow, they manage not to hit each other, which is quite the feat.





All of a sudden, four spells are shot directly at the bird, each a different color of spells. Some smoke comes from the previous spot the raven was, making it impossible to see if the bird is okay. They wave their hands around and finally open the windows.

"Where's the bird?" Peter croaks after a cough.

They all turn, expecting to see the raven, but what they really see is a fifteen year old bronzed skinned girl with thick, dark curly hair, sitting on the floor where the bird used to be.

And she's butt naked.

All four boys are wide eyed and are too shocked to give her privacy. The girl blinks confusedly and looks around with new eyes. Everything is so strange and she's missing a color when she glances around. When she looks down, something furry falls towards her face. It's dark and bounces every time she moves.

The boys finally pull themselves together, turning around with Peter letting out a squeak. Remus grabs the closest blanket and throws it backward towards the girl, but doesn't look back at her. "Did we just turn that bird into a girl?" James whispers.

Something soft falls on top of the girl, covering her entirely, making her unable to see. She lets out a sound she's never made before and flaps her arms that used to be wings. Everything is so strange and she feels heavier than before. Once she can see again, she finally looks down at her new hands dumbfounded.

Sirius peaks behind him, but turns back after a glance. "She's still naked." He murmurs to them.

"What do we do?" James questions.

Remus lets out a determined breath. "Let's just be grown up about this. It's just a girl."

Peter squeaks. "It's a bird."

"Now, it's a naked girl." Sirius finishes awkwardly.

Remus rubs his arm nervously. "I'm gonna turn around."

"What?" James questions frantically, still trying to keep his voice down.

"Well, she used to be a bird and she won't know to cover herself up. Someone has to do it." Remus turns around begrudgingly, but the girl doesn't doesn't stop admiring new hands, opening and closing them with fascination.

Remus grabs another blanket and creeps behind the curly haired girl who begins to wiggle her toes. He abruptly wraps her with the blanket, covering her body and restraining her in his arms. She begins to let out muffled caws as she's interrupted. She flails using her new legs to kick and tries to free her arms.

"Help!" Remus calls out to his friends and they turn around immediately. Sirius jumps forward and places his hands over her mouth as a loud sound escapes her lips. 

"What do we do?!" Peter asks frantically.

Remus huffs in pain as she manages to kick him in the shin. "Anything!" He calls.

James points his wand at the girl. "Stupefy!" She stops moving instantly, falling limp.

Remus lets out a breath and lifts the girl onto the closest bed, which happens to be James'. He wraps the blanket better, making sure everything is covered before stepping back. James scratches the back of his neck as Sirius runs a stressed hand through his hair. Remus breathes heavily, glancing at the unconscious girl.

James bites his lip nervously. "I should've just ask Minnie for a bird."






[Author's Note!]

Who should I pair her up with? An OC? Sirius? Remus? 

Oopsie Birdie - Marauders EraWhere stories live. Discover now