1 : Mate?

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Also just letting everyone know beforehand, if you've read my other book, some of the pictures will be the same ones in this one, but not all of them.

Rodney Santiago as King Zeus^^^

Omegas are the lowest a wolf can get in a pack without being a rouge. They are treated as nobody's and have little of many things. Barely any food, rare baths, old clothes, and made to be servants or chiefs.

Rosetta Ann Marie is an omega. Her parents were cast out as rouges after her father and mother caught some sort of disease and went crazy, killing 10 other pack members.

For 12 years she's been a maid for the Blood Moon Pack. She's treated very cruelly by the pack, especially by the Alpha. He beats her, and has said things that would put the devil to shame.

She's very timid. You move your hand too quickly and she flinches harshly, raise you're voice and she'll whimper, she's a vulnerable and broken girl.

She's needs a saving grace, and the Alpha King just might be what she's been looking for.

Zeus's POV

Today I'm going to go see Alpha Lance. He had been contacting me about a group of rouges running too close to the border. His men have seen them lurking, meaning they are planning something.

And we aren't going to wait until we are attacked to deal with it. I'm going to go talk to him and his men. We might have to evacuate the women and children for a few days, and get ready for a battle. If we act first they are more likely to go ahead and follow through with their plan.

Letting us go ahead and get it over with. Many will get killed, and not on our side of the team. We take rouges very seriously. They hold a lot of rage, and can be numbered by the thousands when they attack. But guess what?

WE have 10's of thousands, so please, let them try and attack, more than less win.

Anyways, I'm packing a bag. We will spend the night in a hotel tonight and drive the rest of the way there tomorrow. That sounds hilarious almost. A KING, like Me, packing an overnight bag. Like a sleepover or something. 😅 The thought of it IS quite funny.

I pack my bag as the same lingering thoughts go through my mind, like always....

Where's my mate Moon Goddess?

Why haven't you blessed me with her yet?

I'm the King now, I need to have a strong Luna by my side.

Why haven't I found her?

Have I done something wrong?

Do I not deserve her?

Am I being punished???

A million thoughts run through my mind concerning my precious mate, like always.

I grab my bag and walk downstairs. I see a few of the pups playing tag in the living room, in their wolf forms. If I wasn't worried about my people right now, I would've sat and told them a story. Despite me being a very dominate and respected King, I still have a soft spot. Especially for women and children. 

I believe that women and children should be treated with an up-most respect unless they've done something that seriously calls for us to act otherwise. 

Yes, I do have a nice side, but do not get on my bad side. It will most likely bring you severe pain, if not death.

I'm still strict with my men though. They are still the leaders of this pack. They are the protectors. They still need to train, and keep in perfect shape for any and everything that's thrown at them. 

Not one soul DARE to even look at me sideways if given an order. Not even women nor children. Everybody knows who the King is, and they have high respect for me.

My chauffer put my bag in the trunk and I got in the passenger seat. Tim put the car in drive and off we were.

(A/N - Okay so here's a note that's very important! He lives in a castle in London, UK. There is no time change in this story, everywhere is the same. Also in 'London' they act the same way as the 'Americans' do. No special tea all of the time or stuff like that lol. They don't have accents either. They are just the same as Americans, but live over there. It just makes the story easier having it this way. Thanks!)

5 Hours Later, 10:25 pm, New York

We just pulled up to the hotel. Oh, I forgot to mention my best warriors/best friends are here. Meet Zane and Arriot. And not that we can't handle ourselves, but each of us has 1 guard with us. Not to much, but extra hands JUST in case.

We bought 3 rooms for the night. One of us and a guard in each. I also brought some of my best guards. I mean I know every single one of my teams' names but they are a little closer to us.

The hotel isn't that bad. Not to sound arrogant or anything, but it's a lot less than what I'm used to. But what else can you expect from humans? This is probably LIKE a castle to them. 

We all live upon them unknowingly. As long as we act normal, they have never suspected a thing. It's been that way for centuries. Where would we go where humans weren't? Even in London, there are many humans. They think I'm a regular King that rules over something they don't know in the city lol.

Anthony walked in and got our keys, and we headed to our rooms for the night.

"You mind if I take a shower first?"

"Go ahead, I'm just gonna get in bed. I'm exhausted."

"Aight. Get some rest. We leave at 7 in the morning. Already told the other boys. Night."


I turned on the hot water and looked at myself in the mirror. My wolf was tingling. I don't know why, I've never felt anything like this before. My skin is literally tingling all over. He's howling in my mind, prancing around even. 

Could it be?....

My mate?...

But I don't smell her...I frown.

I would've smelt her. I smell nothing more than a very clean bathroom. You know they ought to be careful with that. Chemicals are gonna be killing people in their sleep if it's always this strong.

Back on track, why is he going crazy?

'What's wrong with you buddy? Why you so hyper?' I think to him

'Mate is what?'

'What mate? I smell no mate.'

'You will in time Zeu....You will in time'

Wise ass mutt.

'I fucking heard that'

I chuckled at him...thinking 'You were supposed to'

He just growled at me and I stepped under the water thinking more.

Does that mean I'm going to meet my mate soon? But I still don't smell her. If I did I wouldn't be able to get enough, but I don't. 

Moon Goddess....please, I beg of you. Let me find my mate tomorrow. Please. 

I finally decided to get out, putting on a pair of silk pajama bottoms and getting in bed. I set my alarm for 6, and fell asleep only a minute after my head hit the pillow.

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