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Readers.... Its not a update but yeah it's essential part...

Let's see the rules which Mew set for Gulf!


1. Gulf has to be with Mew all the time, whenever Mew wants his husband. If denied, he will be punished.

2. Gulf cannot say NO for kisses and hugs and especially for Sex. It is essential every time Mew will say to hug/kiss/Fuck limitless in one day.

3. Whenever Mew will call Gulf, Gulf has to come. Time, place, location, space doesn't matter. It can be day time or night. Gulf has to go whenever Mew will call him.

4. Gulf cannot say some words such as " I HATE YOU! " , " I DON'T WANT YOU! " , " I DON'T WANT TO BE WITH YOU! ", " LEAVE ME ALONE!! " Such words are banned for Gulf.

5. Now Gulf is Mew's husband, Gulf can't date anyone from outside. And Mew was will not gonna date as well.

6. Whatever Mew wants, Gulf has to fulfil that, whether it can be a professional needs or personal needs or sexual needs also.

7. If Mew offered Gulf for dinner dates, romantic dates or anywhere for trips or honeymoon, Gulf can't deny. Have to go according to husband Mew says.

8. Gulf can't ask for DIVORCE. No matter what the situation is..... Gulf will never say that he want divorce.

9. Gulf can't voilate any of the rules otherwise, consequences will be worst.

10. Gulf has to be loyal with their work and for family and married life too. Can't cheat not in work as COO not as husband and applies to Mew as well.

11. Gulf can't say No for sex even if its on car, balcony, terrace, swimming pool, office of any place. Gulf always have to say YES.

12. Both will talk and sort out every misunderstanding. Even if quarrel happens, no one can leave house. Talk has to be done before jumping on any conclusion.

13. Gulf has to obey all the rules given by his husband Mew. And cannot share this information of rules with anyone. Not in company, nor outsiders and not to family especially.

14. Gulf can't hug or kiss anyone except Mew and those closed people to whom Mew know that means selective friends and family. He can't be close to anyone. His attention should be only for Mew.

15. Gulf cannot go anywhere without Mew's permission even if he was going to meet friends or family. Or he want to go outside for anything. Has to ask Mew.

16. Gulf have to be with Mew mainly and cannot deny for public hand holding and waist holding.

17. Mew will allot three bodyguards to Gulf as one of them will be in touch with Mew and will keep telling where Gulf is going and where is he.

18. Marriage life have to go smooth and both will listen each other and not let misunderstanding come between them.

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