The Wrong Guy 🧁 (Narrator X Eddie)

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So we go. This story is a suggestion from ~ @ilikefriesz ~ thanks for your help. This one will be just a little fluff...sorry perverts XD 


~3rd POV~

One day Eddie was bored so he decided to go on Omegle to find some new friends and maybe chat with fans.  He came across  Peter. He seemed like a ''nice guy'' at first. Eddie got all excited about meeting him. So he texted his best friend. 

Eddie: Hola bestie

Narrator: Hey friendo, what's up?

Eddie: Nothing much...I just got a date 🥳🥳

Narrator: Oh, That's nice 

Eddie: I know right, Imma get ready to meet him 

Narrator: What's his name again?

Eddie: Oh right, his name's Peter P. <3

(friends idea)

Narrator: What a nice name...

have fun with him honey bunches

Eddie: Thanks dawg, imma let you know how it went

~Narrator's POV~

I left him on read...I don't know why probably 'cause I could no longer handle it. Maybe 'cause I was mad at him? OR MAYBE 'CAUSE I'M GAY 🏳️‍🌈 AND I FUCKIN LOVE HIM SINCE THE DAY WE MET!! This seriously pissed me off. Like, I'm his best friend and he came out to me and I was fuckin supportive. AND NOW?! HE JUST FINDS A RANDOM GUYS, HE NEVER MET BEFORE, TO DATE? LIKE WTF EDDIE?!  

I yelled the last part. Doesn't matter. My neighbors don't like me anyway. I went to the kitchen to make myself some coffee to cheer myself up and calm myself down a little. When I saw raindrops running down my window, it reminded me of Eddie. I opened our chat and started to write:

Hey mate,
sorry to interrupt before your big date....but I can't hold it any longer. The truth is... I'm gay and I'm in love with you since the day I met you...I can't stop thinking about you and all I can think about is holding you close... I really love you <3


I threw my phone on my counter and then I realized, the message wasn't delivered...He's on his way. What was I thinking? *deleted the message*

Months later
Eddie and Peter got together...he wasn't a nice guy at all 

~Eddie's POV~

I was on my way to Starbucks because I wanted coffee. Why didn't I do it at home? 'Cause, my coffee maker is broken...and I got some big bruises on my back (you get the idea). As I was in the line someone approached me. That guy suddenly hugged me from behind and laid his head on my shoulder. I was shocked and I arched my back a little because of my injury. But then I realized who used to do it. Who used to hug me like this. I turned around and yelled in a high-pitched voice: "NARRATOR!" I was so happy to see him.  I couldn't contact him in months. And I remembered why. My boyfriend forbade me that. 

"OMG I'm so happy I ran into you," Narrator said, "I haven't heard of you for months, let's go somewhere." I sighed and shook my head no "I gotta go, I promised Peter I wouldn't be gone for so long." I looked up at Narrator, he smiled and said "I can walk to your apartment if you want." "I can't I'm sorry...It's not that I don't want to... but I just can't"...He made me look into his beautiful eyes. I was tearing. He didn't want me to cry but he looked worried. A tear suddenly ran down my cheek, he softly whipped my tear. 

We got our orders and I decided to let Narrator walk me home. I was really nervous so I decided to stay silent until Narrator broke the silents. "So, how is it working with your BF?" I felt my eyes filling up with tears again. I just couldn't stop them. "Eddie...?" He said and turned around when he realized I stopped. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked. "Y-yea" I sobbed quietly.

~Narrator's POV~

"Y-yea" he sobbed. I didn't want him to be sad, but I knew he needed to let his emotions out. "Just tell me what you need to tell me, ok?" I said with a worrying yet calm voice. He hugged me. I could feel his tears soaking into my shirt. We sat on a nearby bench as he started to empty his heart. 

"When I met him for the first time, he seemed nice. We had a lot in common and I felt like we were perfect for each other.  After a week we started dating...and I moved to his apartment. Everything was nice...until it wasn't. He said that I have such soft skin and amazing bone structure. He wanted to do it...but I wasn't ready for it. Unfortunately, he didn't care at he sexually abused me...a lot of times. I wanted to call for help but I was afraid of him hurting me or my friends...that's why I couldn't contact you." I was shocked, knowing that my friend was in danger the whole time I wasn't in contact with him. "Oh my god...Eddie, I'm so sorry to hear that..." Then I remembered about the message I almost sent him and I started tearing up too. "I could've prevented this...only if I was a little bit braver" Tears were running down my cheeks and Eddie asked confusedly: "What do you mean?" I was facing the other way and I said: "I sent you a message where I confessed to you...but you were offline and the message wasn't delivered...I was a pussy and I deleted it...I'm really sor..." I got cut off by his soft lips pressing mine. It was the best feeling in my life. What seemed like hours of kissing were just a few minutes. I wanted it to last forever. I could feel Eddie slightly moan into the kiss. Eddie then pulled away: "I love you <3" He smiled at me when those words came out of his mouth. "I love you too"


~So...That was it. I know it was a little bit sad and anxious...but hey, it was fun to write. Imma actually make a continuation of this WITH smut...Why? friend hesitated XD

So don't worry mojis...this is gonna be smutty af. 
~Word Counter: 1053

Have a great day, evening, night, afternoon, or whatever


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