Scene 2

12 1 0

(Paulo and Gerard enter)

Gerard: Paulo, did you bring the stuff for Chemistry?

Paulo: Well, I forgot the hydrochloric acid. They told me that you can find it in the stomach

Gerard: What? So, you are going to cut yourself for Chemistry? Who is supposed to be my lab partner then?

Paulo: Who said that I will cut myself? I will cut you

Gerard: What? You are insane!

Paulo: Hahaha!!! Now, give me a scalpel and some dissecting scissors

Gerard: Why don’t we just ask others if they have extra?

Paulo: Great idea! You go

Gerard: No, you go! You are supposed to bring it

Paulo: Fine, but it is easier for you to be cut open

(Alex enters)

Paulo: Hey Alex

Alex: Oh! Hey Pau (Blushes). What do you want from me?

Paulo: Can I ask some hydrochloric acid? I forgot to bring

Alex: Hihihi! Sure, just ask from Jasmine!

Paulo: Where is she?

Alex: She is coming.

Paulo: Oh. Thanks

(Alex turns away)

Alex (to herself): Damn you Alex! You didn’t make a move. Damn you

(Jasmine and Daniel enter)

Daniel: So, if we carry one here, you will get x equal to plus-minus 10. Voila!

Jasmine: That actually makes sense! Thank you

Daniel: Well, don’t thank me! Thank Mr. Walter for teaching me

Jasmine: I swear to myself that you are the only one who understands him

Daniel: Well, I swear to God that you are right

Paulo: There is Jasmine, ask her for the acid

Gerard: I … I can’t Paulo

Paulo: Why not?

Gerard: She might say no

Paulo: Oh boy, here we go again

Gerard: I mean, she is cute, intelligent, and she is a very good dancer. Why would she give some Chemistry acid to me, a no-good football player who is a very bad dancer?

Paulo: STOP BEING NEGATIVE GERARD! It’s just acid, what could go wrong

Gerard: It’s just acid! Are you hearing yourself? Then again, you are right! I must stand up to my fears and be a man

(Gerard goes to Jasmine)

Paulo: Works every time J

Gerard: Hey … Jasmine

Jasmine (Blushing): Hey Walt! You look good today

Gerard: Well, you smell good today

Jasmine: What?

Gerard:  Oh! Sorry. (To himself) Bad move, bad move

Jasmine: Oh. You must have noticed my new perfume

Gerard: Yeah!

Jasmine: Well, you are the very first one

Gerard: The scent matches the color of your eyes

Jasmine: Oh. Hihihi

Alex: Aw! That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard

Jasmine: Quiet Alex. Anyways, what’s up?

Gerard: Well, I was just asking if you have some spare hydrochloric acid.

Alex: Oh yeah! Paulo came to me a while ago to ask for the hydrochloric acid.

Jasmine: Oh! Here you go

Gerard: Thanks J

(Walks away)

Alex: I think he likes you

Jasmine: No! Why a handsome, varsity football player like him would will ever like an ugly, no-good dancer like me?

Alex: I don’t know! That is love I guess

Jasmine: Shut up

Paulo (to Gerard): Good move Gerard. I think she likes you

Gerard: Why would someone …

Paulo: Oh don’t get me started

Gerard: Fine, but it loses something

Daniel (to himself): Where is Walter?

(Walter and Coral enter)

Walter: Well, JFK never saw the men go to the moon. He was assassinated in 1963

Coral: Yes, but without him, the moon landing of 1969 will be an insane fantasy

Walter: I like talking to you about history! We should to this more often

Coral: Noted! Here is my number! Call me J

Walter: Thanks J

(Both separate ways)

Daniel: What was that all about?

Walter: Oh nothing! We just talked about history, that’s all

Daniel: Wow! Good move! Are you going to ask her to the dance?

Walter: What dance?

Daniel: The one we will have next week Friday

Walter: Oh! That dance

Daniel: So, are you going to ask her?

Walter: I don’t know

Daniel: Why not?

Walter: She might say no

Daniel: And why ever she will not accept?

Walter: Imagine, a lunatic lusting for love like me will go out and dance with a very intelligent intellectual like her? That’s preposterous

Daniel: What? Both of you are intellects! Two intellects mix Walter!

Walter: I’ll think about it, Daniel

Daniel: Don’t think, do it!

Walter: What?

Daniel: Stop being so negative

Walter: How about you and Seashell?

Daniel: No progress lately.

Walter: Oh! Too bad, are you going to ask her?

Daniel: Possibly no

Walter: Why?

Daniel: Imagine, a boy …

Walter: We will talk about this later. Ms. Foxy is here

Daniel: Oh. You mean the teacher you had a crush on during first year?

Walter: Shut up

Daniel: I still remember you giving roses to her during Valentines’ day

Walter: Don’t make me remember

Foxy: Class, we are moving to the laboratory, please make sure to bring all your requirements

Walter: Shoot, I forgot the hydrochloric acid

Paulo: You want to have?

Walter: Where?

Paulo: Show your stomach and let me cut it

Gerard: That’s enough Paulo

Coral: You can have some of mine, I have plenty

Walter: Thanks

Foxy: Please move out now

(All exit)

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