Scene 9

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(Coral enters)

Coral: I wonder where Walter is! I have to show him these new shoes

(James enters)

James: Hey Cor, nice shoes

Coral: Thanks

James: So, about the dance, what do you think babe? I mean the two of us

Coral: Well, I would love too, but I already have someone else

James: What the heck? Who?

Coral: Walter asked me just yesterday

James: Hahaha! You are going with that nerd? Are you stupid?

Coral: Well, we all do crazy things for love

James: You love him? What the hell? Have you lost your mind? You’re going to the dance with me

(James grabs her tight in the arm. Walter enters)

Walter: JAMES, what are you doing?

James: So, you’re taking my girl to the dance?

Coral: I am not your girl, jerk

Walter: Let go of the lady idiot!

James: So that’s how you want it?

(James lets go of Coral and goes near Walter)

James: Let’s dance smarty pants

Coral: No, stop!

(James and Walter fight)

Coral: STOP IT

Walter: He started it

Coral: Well, I’m ending it

James: See you later losers

(James exits)

Coral: Are you alright?

Walter: At least you weren’t hurt

Coral: Oh no! You have bruises

Walter: I’m alright

Coral: I am so concerned for you

Walter: I’m alrigh … Wait a minute, you like me, don’t you?

Coral: Well, (turns back while Walter stands) I am just concerned. Can a friend just be concerned for another friend?

Walter: But, you said so yourself. You love me

Coral: No, I don’t (Jokingly manner)

Walter: Yes, I do

Coral: No, I don’t

Walter: Just say it. I love you Walter! JUST SAY IT


(Walter kisses her)

Coral: Well, that was …

Walter: I love you too

(Daniel enters)

Daniel (Holding flowers): Aww! Hahaha

Walter: What are you doing here?

Daniel: I’m finally going to ask Seashell

Coral: Good luck ;)

Daniel: Thanks

(Daniel exits)

Coral: Who’s Seashell?

Walter: It’s a codename for a girl

Coral: Who?

Walter: I’ll tell you on the way

(Both exit)

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