Isen's dream Part 24

711 24 23

name key






Blyke-laser pointer

Remi-oldtimer chicken

Evie-meme master


Steve: I had a dream last night


Steve: ???

bandaid: I'm still recovering from the last one

arlo: aren't we all?

bandaid: why are your dream's so cursed?

laser pointer: aren't all dream's cursed?

cat: yea

Roland: same

Steve: ONE OF US


cat: ONE OF US

Roland: one of us?

laser pointer: ONE OF US

oldtimer chicken: ONE OF US

meme master: \(=`△'=)/

bandaid: fine fine fine tell your story

Steve: I was sitting on the top of a mountain of garbage 

Jury: ah, it seems like your in your natural element

cat: XD

Steve: the mountain turned into a grassy hill and started changing seasons

Roland: wait what

Steve: the mountain suddenly had snow on it and then flowers, and then orange leaves

Roland: oh.

Steve: so I was meditating because why not


Steve: and Remi came out of nowhere and pushed me off the mountain screaming: KING OF THE HIIIIIIIIILL

oldtimer chicken: (*^▽^*)/♕ 

Steve: and sadly, it was winter time when I rolled down the hill so I became a huge snow ball at the bottom 

Steve: when I came out of the ball I was at the end of the mountain

Steve: I see Elaine and Blyke eating plastic spoons

bandaid: wait what?

laser pointer: tasty

Steve: then I see Evie holding a diamond pickaxe wearing iron armor 

meme master: ooh minecraft!

Steve: so I asked if If I could mine with her

Steve: she said yes

Steve: so we found this cave and was mining

Steve: And then suddenly there was this pool of lava next to these diamonds like 10 blocks away and I was about to go get them

Cat: the keyword is about to

Steve: then Evie grabbed me and pushed me off balance

meme master: ooh what next?

Steve: and she screamed: NO!!! NOT IN THE FORBIDDEN CHEESE SAUCE

Roland: XD cheese sauce

meme master: yum

Jury: BRUH

Steve: so we were teetering over the edge and we fell in

arlo: just pray you had item save on

Steve: so we were burning and she was screaming: QUICK GET INTO THE OCEAN SAUCE while pointing at the water

Steve: so we jumped in luckily we didn't die so we went up to the surface

Steve: Elaine and Blyke were now eating plastic knifes

Bandaid: our poor stomachs 

laser pointer: ouch

Steve: then Evie started going on about this big battle for some reason and made iron armor and weapons

Steve: and then she ran up the hill so I followed her

Steve: and Remi was still up there

oldtimer chicken: I see what's gonna happen

Steve: Evie literally picked Remi up and tossed her into the sky

laser pointer: who needs armor? Who needs weapons?

meme master: wait but how XD

arlo: let's just remember that Remi is 5.5 while Evie is 5.3


Steve: and while she was flying away she was screaming : TEAM ROCKETS BLASTING OFF AGAIN!!!!

meme master: * bling *

Steve: and then I woke up

bandaid: this one isn't too cursed

arlo: luckily

author's note: were so close to 1000! Make sure to start writing qna questions at 9000. Sorry I didn't post for a while. I was feeling sick and I still kinda I'm

also if you had a funny dream ( or an idea )  please message me it and tell me what character's dream you want it to be. I will give credit

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