Chapter 52

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The sun wasn't even up when the alarm rang waking Juan and JuJu, their eyes still a bit drowsy, especially JuJu after experiencing a short paranoia.

"Come on JuJu" Juan mumbled to the groaning me while I lay stomach first in my bed.

Juan resorted to her old tricks and carried me, then she turned to the bathroom and washed my face with cold water waking me up as a result.

"Ju-mommy!" I truly hate Juan at times like these but who told her to wake me up at this hour?

She hums in response and went to the kitchen while I ran to our bedroom to get the lavender dress that Wan Wan gave to me on my birthday. Coupled with the jade bracelet and the dove pendant, I also picked a silver pair of shoes Juan bought for me a month ago.

"JuJu! Come and eat now!" Juan shouted and I ran back to the dining room to see fried noodles and mushroom chicken soup on the table.

After finishing my food, I rushed to the bathroom and cleaned myself, brushing my teeth clean till it becomes white. I brushed my hair till it reaches the smoothness of those shown on the television, slap some baby lotion on my skin until it becomes white and plump. Then after that, I put on my clothes and the accessories I've placed in the bed.

"Mommy! I'm ready!" I show up in the living room, Juan clapped her hands and kissed my cheeks. "Mommy!"

"Sorry! My JuJu is just so cute! So pretty!" She said with her eyes twinkling in delight as she looks at me from head to toe.

Of course! I'm beautiful as always, duh! Wait till I become a full flagged young lady and don't have to hug any holden thighs, you would know how much gorgeous Ju Lin is!

Now that the two of us are prepared, we can now go to the audition - oh, I almost forget Xiao Ruo. I really hope that he's ready on his feet and has prepared everything or else I will smack him in his head.

With that, we went to his mansion, and fortunately, he was already awake and ready. He ran up to me and I could just brace myself for the upcoming cannonball.


"JuJu! You're here!"

"Young master! Stand up you master, JuJu will be squished more " Thank you, Butler Shao, you're the only person that has consideration for me.

"Come on now or else we would be late" Yu Han or should I say, Uncle Yu Han, came up and said making me push Xiao Ruo to the car.

Well, I have already cleared the young man off, he doesn't treat nor see Juan as a woman but it feels like she's his older sister. Someone she looks up to and someone he depended on.

It's been a week or so after he appeared, he's always at home helping Juan and even assisting us with the house.

"Goodbye Butler Shao!" We waved our hands to Bulter Shao as he smiled like a grandfather upon his grandchildren.

We rolled the windows up and traveled towards the area where the auditioning for Main land's talent show will occur. It's located near Shining Park, several famous judges will come and we just need to get their attention by being cute and hopefully, get famous.

Becoming famous means being known to everyone and what that means is that everyone will remember your face.

"Did you practice yesterday?" I asked Xiao Ruo, he nodded well-behaved and I sigh in relief.

I have practiced for so long, the moment I saw the talent show, I kept on thinking of any talents. 

Fortunately, as a kid whose cuteness doubled with another beautiful kid, I have the brain of an adult which means I'm much more smarter than the average four years old.

This is it, I'm just some steps away from my goal and I'll be reborn once more!

Chapter 52 is up!

What do you think is JuJu and Xiao Ruo prepared for their audition?

Anyway, have a great day everyone! Stay safe and healthy!

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