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TRIGGER WARNING: Explicitly mentions suicide (nothing violent or gory)

The house was dark when Carter entered.

This, ordinarily, would not be cause for alarm. Rarely did Gloria bother with lights anymore, preferring the shadowed corners of her upstairs bedroom and the occasional dim lamp.

But following that terrifying phone call, the darkness seemed a weight to it, heavy and oppressive against Carter's chest, crushing his lungs with every step into the hall. Ryu followed silently at his heel, and Carter didn't dare do more than glance at him.

"Mum?" He called out, though he knew it was useless. But he had to try. Just in case.

I'm sorry.



When silence remained his only answer, Carter moved on to the living room, his heart beating a frantic tattoo against his chest.

What if he was too late? What if he couldn't save her? What if he'd been just a second too slow, taken just a second too long-


The fireplace had been lit, it's flames crackling merrily, and in the dancing light Carter could just make out his mother's form; she was curled across the couch with a knitted blanket strewn haphazardly over one shoulder. It reminded of him of when he was younger, when his mother would come home from work and stretch out on the couch, asleep before he could reheat her dinner.

His heart, incredibly, seemed to beat even faster.

"Mum?" He whispered, throat so dry the word was raspy and jagged. "Mum, can you hear me?"

But Ryu made a startled noise behind him, and Carter knew before he'd even braved the final step to his mother's side. He knew, like some terrible, bone-deep ache, could feel it as keenly as any physical wound.

She had-

She was-

"Make a bargain with me." Carter still couldn't look at Ryu. It would make him too vulnerable, and then he would break, and there'd be no piecing him back together. "Right now. Make a bargain with me, for her."

"Carter," Ryu began to protest, voice rising with disapproval, "Carter, I don't think-"

"So don't," Carter snapped. He didn't mean to sound so angry, but his entire world was crumbling, and he'd always known Ryu to be self-serving. Why was he hesitating? Why wasn't he leaping at the chance? "This is what you wanted, isn't it? To make another bargain with me? So do it."

Finally, he turned to face Ryu, and it was as terrible as he'd imagined. Fingers trembling, he held out one hand. "Make a bargain with me."

Ryu's eyes had always been too bright, like smouldering plumes of twin flame, burning from the confines of that horned skull. Now, they seemed to consume the entire room with their intensity.

"Fine." He spat the word like it was poison. "As you wish."

Then he grasped Carter's hand and lunged, the movement so sudden Carter would've toppled over if Ryu hadn't braced one hand against his shoulder. Immediately the places he was touching started to warm, but Carter ignored the faint pain. He was still fixated on Ryu's eyes, utterly entranced.

"I'll return your mother's life," Ryu whispered, voice tickling the shell of Carter's ear; they were so close, like two lovers entangled in some ritualistic dance. "For a price. As is the way of all bargains."

Carter didn't blink. "Name it."

"A kiss."

This time Carter did blink. Once, twice, three times in rapid succession. "What?"

Ryu hissed, the sound low and irritated. "We've little time, Carter." One black-tipped claw ran lightly along Carter's jawline, leaving a trail of faintest heat in its wake. "Are you denying me?"

"Of course not," Carter spluttered, and then blinked several more times, just be sure he wasn't dreaming. "Are you sure? That's all?"

It didn't seem possible; Carter had always assumed Ryu had some great ultimate goal in mind.

How could the demon settle for a mere kiss?

"Are you ready?" Ryu murmured against his neck. Blood was trailing down his knuckles, and Carter could feel blisters forming beneath his sleeves.

"Yes." It was a ghost of a word, breathed into existence in the minute space between them.

"Then this contract is complete."

Carter kept waiting for the trap, for the trick.

But Ryu only took his chin in his palm and kissed him full on the mouth, that claw still tracing tiny patterns along his jawline.

Carter was expecting the kiss to deepen, for his soul to slide from his body into Ryu's, to feel something being taken from him.

But it was only the briefest of kisses, over before it had begun, as though Ryu were too scared of burning his lips to linger despite the inky blood pooling down his arms.

Then Carter was released, so abruptly that he stumbled into the arm of the couch and almost screamed aloud when something shifted behind him.

He spun, heart hammering in his throat. It would be a demon, he knew, some horrific monster here to extract the true price of the bargain.


Gloria's voice was groggy and confused. Her bloodshot gaze sought Carter in the firelight, and her face softened as she looked at him. "Hey, kiddo. How was school?"

Carter wasn't sure if he wanted to weep or scream. Maybe both.

"Mum..." He took a deep breath, counted to ten, took another deep breath. "Would you like some tea?"

He glanced inquisitively at Ryu, who gave a minute nod and mouthed 'I'll watch her.'

"Definitely." Gloria smiled that watery smile, all quivering edges and crinkled skin. "A nice cuppa is just what I need right now."

"Good. That's good." Carter turned on his heel and started toward the kitchen, sneakers echoing dully on the hardwood floor. As he stopped in the hall outside the living room, he glanced over his shoulder and added, "Oh, and Mum?"

"Mmm?" Gloria wasn't looking at him anymore, instead staring dispassionately into the fire.

"We need to get you some help."

That drew Gloria's attention, but only for a moment. Her brows furrowed, then settled again, the only indication of internal conflict. "Oh?"

It was a dull reply, as mundane as if Carter had merely remarked upon the weather, but it was a start.

It had to be a start. He'd make sure of it.

"And you," Carter added, fixing Ryu with a pointed look as he passed into the kitchen, "you and I are going to have a very long chat."

A/N: Please feel free leave a comment and/or vote if you enjoyed!

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