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YES! LONG CHAPTER! ALSO THE GRANDE FINALE! Thank you guys so much for reading, it means the world to me. ENJOY!

(6 Years Later)

It was funny how he proposed. Being the stubborn idiot he is, he refused to be the first in the group to get married. He waited until there was both a Mrs. Bradley and a Mrs. Minter (in that order) before popping the question.

I didn't mind the wait. It gave us time to make sure that we would last, because there were times I had my doubts.

We had some pretty big arguments in the years. I'm not sure any of them could top the mess we were before our relationship, but there were definitely times JJ would disappear for weeks at a time. Well, he'd call Simon and let him know where he was, but honestly he knew how much it pissed me off when he left.

One night while he was gone, I'd had a pretty bad anxiety attack. Josh and Vik found me curled up on the floor of the bathroom, crying my eyes out, and they immediately let JJ know.

He was back home in an hour.

Though I didn't tell him, he knew that the panic attack I had was because he was gone. He knew he'd caused it.

So he never left me again.

After Josh got married, it was clear the Sidemen house just wasn't sufficient anymore. While everyone had good memories there, we all had moved out within the year.

It was scary, at first. Moving in with JJ, I mean. I was scared an argument would go too far, and I'd be out on the street. But, actually, it seemed like the more time we spent alone together made us both more patient with one another. It was a miracle, in my opinion, but of course I never told him that.

When he proposed, it wasn't like what you would think. We were at Simon and Talia's flat, and he was sitting across the room. I remember it vividly.

"Hey Cassie!" He shouted at me from his side of the living room.

"What?" I called.

"Let's get married!"

I narrowed my eyes, tilting my head at him like he'd just spoken in a different language. "What are you—"

I was interrupted when he reached into his pocket and pulled out the small box, tossing it over to me with a grin.

"I know you hate all of that cheesy romantic shit, so I didn't want to make it a big deal," He shrugged, but my eyes were wide as I stared down at the ring in my hands. He continued. "Believe me, I had big plans for this. Simon had to stop me."

Everyone was silent now, with big smiles on our faces. I knew I wasn't the only one that wasn't expecting that, since JJ had made it seem like he never wanted to get married.

"Now, let's start planning," He clapped and stood to his feet, but Vik raised an eyebrow.

"She hasn't said her answer yet."

All eyes turned to me.

So there I stood, looking in the large mirror of the hotel room. My hair was pulled back in a braided side-bun, with a few loose strands framing my face. I twirled around in my white dress with the biggest smile on my face. Talia and Freya were in the room with me, wearing their respective bridesmaid dresses, and they were telling me how beautiful I looked when the door to our room opened.

 Talia and Freya were in the room with me, wearing their respective bridesmaid dresses, and they were telling me how beautiful I looked when the door to our room opened

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