Chapter 27: Truths Within

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Chapter 27: Truths Within

I handed Yamada a cup full of strawberry ice cream as he refuses it.

"Not now Kusaka."

"How are you feeling." I sat next to him, and stroke his back. We sat on a bench in a nearby park.

"Fine. I just feel so lost."

"We should go back."

"Are you crazy?" Yamada jerks his eyebrow up at me.

"You can't just leave like that. At least have some sort of closure."

"I guess so." He stood up, and got back in the car. I followed after.

We drove back to the mansion, and faced the horrible parents yet again.

"I don't mind if you disown me, but don't make a scene in front of Kyou." Yamada said as he glared them both down.

"Seiji, did that really happen?" His mother asked.

"Yes, I swear on my life it did. I will look pass it if he would give us his blessings."

Yamada's father looked away in anger. He takes a long sigh, and looks back at his wife.

"Yuko, I admit to it. I always was frustrated. I didn't mean to touch our son. I guess I just..." He froze up in his tangle of sloppy words.

"Just what?!" She says as her voice brakes as if she was about to burst into tears.

"I don't know what is wrong with me." He starts tearing up, and she hugs him.

I looked over to Yamada to see if his parent's reaction fazed him, and it didn't. Yamada kept his cool. His straight posture, and perfectly calm attitude. I admire him so much.

"Seiji I guess I owe you an apology." His father looked up, and Yamada did as well with shock in his eyes.

"What?" Yamada uttered.

"I'm sorry Seiji. I guess losing a son was hard, and I took out all my frustrations on you."

"Father what are you saying?!" Shouta jumps in.

"Shouta stay out of this." Father Kei said.

"You should know what he is doing is wrong." Shouta fights back.

"What the fuck is your problem." I said aloud to Shouta. "I would of expected you to be happy that your father looked passed this. Why the fuck are you trying to make your father against Yamada?" I felt the anger building up in my system as each word escaped my being.

"The last time I check, you aren't a part of this family." Shouta scolded back.

"Yet." I wittily replied.

"Father are you hearing this?!"

"Shouta how can you say anything when you have been dressing, and speaking like a boy!" Mother Yuko said.

"Look everyone just chill out." Kazuo said with a smirk. "I think you all need to settle it down calmy.

"Who are you anyway?" Yamada glared at Kazuo.

"You don't remember? Me, and Satoshi stayed over at Kyou's house that one time."

"No." Yamada said coldly.

"Seiji I am sorry." Kei interrupted. "Can we start a fresh start? I don't want any type of problems. I know you are sick, and I want to end this pain." He looks down with sincere agony in his facial expression. This was like a drama, and I am the watcher.

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