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The days leading up to Saturday seemed longer than anything Dabi and Y/n had ever experienced. Y/n ended up taking a job on Friday to dispose of some corporate hotshot that was syphoning company money into his own account; it felt good for Y/n to finally be out working again. Ever since he joined the LoV a couple of weeks ago, he'd been focused on gaining their trust; which meant doing all their errands and always making himself available for their use. Due to this, he didn't really have the time or energy to take on any jobs, but now that he needed something to pass the time with, he welcomed the distraction. 

When he had gotten the call, the client specified that the death needed to be on Saturday morning's news cycle, so the kill would have to be Friday night. This wasn't a problem for Y/n, as it meant that he'd get to sleep away most of Saturday right up until his date with the stapler. 

Friday, October 1. 21:30. (Side Note: idk if this is accurate time/season wise, I just like October so that's when this is happening lmao)


I heard the ever-lovely chime of my bank account go off, meaning the down payment had been deposited, so I grabbed my bag with my villain outfit and headed out of my apartment and towards on of the less popular public restrooms. There, I got changed into my villain attire and lathered some purple hair gel into my hair and didn't bother to rise it from my finger tips as they looked kinda cool stained purple. I made my way into a nearby alleyway and checked my phone, finding the address of the businessman's home and work so I could figure out exactly where he was gonna be. It took me a bit, but I was able to find the guy; unfortunately he was currently in a bar so I was gonna have to wait for him to leave before I could kill him. This bar closed at two in the morning, and as much as I hoped he wouldn't be in there forever, I figured he might be. So, I sat in waiting across the street near a dumpster that hid my figure well enough that no bystanders would see me by accident.

I didn't have much to do to pass the time, but I ended up texting mostly Touya since I knew he was probably bored. He desperately wanted to join me so he could see how I do these jobs, but Shiggy insisted that he stay with the league until he had to leave for 'scouting' on Saturday. God if Shiggy ever finds out that we went on a date instead of going scouting he's gonna be so fuckin mad. I chuckled to myself thinking about just how pissed Shiggy's gonna be when he eventually finds out; it's not like we can keep our relationship a secret forever and once that's out in the open there's no way he won't put two and two together. I decided to set that aside for the time being, and went back to carefully watching the bar and those who were in the general area; to do so I ended up moving around a bit to get every angle. 

Once it hit midnight, most of the people in the bar had started leaving, and I noticed that among them were Keigo and his rabbit hero friend Miruko. God Keigo looks white girl wasted, how can he afford to do shit like that in public? If the press ever saw him like that they'd have a field day, I wonder how he plans to get back to his place, surely flying home drunk isn't a good idea. Following Keigo was my target, the three of them seemed to be having a lively conversation and it only made my blood boil more. Why the hell are they such good friends? This guy has been stealing from a company and giving the money to himself, that makes him a fully fledged criminal and here two top pro heroes are, sharing drinks with him. Pathetic. I carefully watched them from afar, and soon the pair of Keigo and Miruko parted from the target and I was able to start putting my plan into action. 

It was poorly lit in this part of down town which made my life a hell of a lot easier; there were very few people around, and those who were happened to be asleep, drunk, high, or just not mentally awake. I got up next to the man and started making light conversation with him as I guided him into an alley way that was completely void of people, and had several large puddles present from the slight storm last night. 

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