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I walked busily down the crowded New York street, trying my hardest not ram into people while simultaneously looking at my phone for directions.

I was lost, super lost.

I had just moved to the city a couple weeks ago and the farthest I had gone from my apartment was down the street to get coffee and a bagel, or to hit up the super market.

I was from a small town in Wisconsin. These numbers for street signs were confusing the hell out of me. I had no idea where I was going, nor how to get back to where I came from

I ducked into a small cafe, hoping to actually sit down and figure out where I was. The place smelled of coffee grinds when I walked in. And for the first time that day, I felt a little at ease.

I sat down at a little table in the corner. I fumbled with the gps app on my phone until I gave up on it. It had me all screwed up and there was no way of saving it. Plus my phone was about to die. I almost gave up on the idea of going to the library completely.

I could ask someone. I heard New York people are kinda mean though. But honestly, what other choices do I have.

I looked around observing my options. A girl who sat with her- I'm guessing boyfriend, I mean they were holding hands across the table, and laughing... very loudly. Yeah I'm gonna say they're a little busy. A mom with her 2 kids who had a mean scowl on her face as the young boy threw a piece of croissant at the other. Definitely not.

And then there was a boy. Probably around my age. He was very good looking. Dark curly hair, green eyes from what I could see. He wore black sweatpants and a simple white t- shirt, yet he looked, gorgeous. He seemed nice enough. He was staring at him computer screen, every so often his eyes flicking down to his phone.

What do I have to loose.

Timothèe pov:

I had noticed her walk into the cafe almost immediately. She was stunning, even though she looked a little frazzled. I shifted my eyes back to my screen, glancing at her every so often.

She sat on her phone for a few minutes, didn't order anything. Then she started looking around. She examined all the people in the cafe until her eyes hit mine. Luckily I had moved my stare back to my screen before she realized.

I saw her get up in the corner of my eye. She was coming towards me. She probably recognized me. It would probably be the same boring conversation all over again.

"Excuse me?" I heard. Yep definitely a fan

I snapped my head up towards her, smiling lightly at her

"I'm sorry to interrupt you" here we go

"No it's okay"

"I'm, well I'm actually lost"

Not what I was expecting

Y/n pov:

He looked up at me cluelessly. I immediately regretted asking him. He seemed busy or also the like he didn't know what to say

"Yeah I was just wondering if you could point me in the right direction"

"Here sit down" he said gesturing to the seat across the table

I sat down hesitantly. He closed his computer lid and smiled at me softly, making me a feel a little bit more at ease.

"Where are you trying to go?"

"Well my plan was to go the library but when I typed it in to my gps it like took me the wrong way I guess? I really have no idea where I am" I chuckled

"Where are you coming from?"

"Oh well I live on 20th street"

"Ahh not far from me" he chuckled nervously

"Sorry that sounded super creepy" He laughed

"It's okay" I said looking down

"Um well the library's not far from here actually. I could take you there if you want?"

"Oh I don't want to impose"

"Really it's not a big deal, just a few blocks"

I debated the idea, he seemed nice but he's also a stranger. We are in public though and I am meeting a friend there. Fuck it.

"That would be amazing" I finally said

He stood up and packed up his things while i stood there awkwardly

"Ready?" He asked

I nodded my head and he walked out first, holding the door open for me.

At first it was silent, I walked beside him, admiring all the building around us.

"I'm guessing you're new to the city?" He said breaking the silence.

"Yeah, I moved here a couple weeks ago, haven't gone far from my apartment obviously"

"You'll get used to it, are you here for school?"

"Nope, I got an internship, I start next week. I'm meeting a friend at the library today"

He nodded his head

"What's your name?" He asked

"Y/n, what's yours?" I chuckled a bit realizing I abs no idea who this stranger is


"Thank you by the way Timothèe , you really didn't have to do this"

"It's my pleasure" he said turning to look at me. He smiled at me and it definitely made me blush. He was cute, really fucking cute.

I turned my head and dropped it to my feet, trying to hide my rosy cheeks.

"So what about you?" I said shifting the conversation

"What about me?"

"What do you do? Do you go to school or?"

"No, I'm an actor actually"

"Oh that's cool"

We walked in some more silence until he stopped in front of a large building.

"Here we are" he said turning to face me

"Thank you so much"

"Do you know how to get back?"

"Yeah I'm pretty sure"

"Okay" he smiled at me. He turned around and started to walk away. But stopped again and turned back to me

"If it's okay with you, can I get your number? I wouldn't want you to get lost again"

timothèe chalamet imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now