2 1 A Disappointing Affair

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Ariel ran out of his house in the cold. It was snowing but his body was warm from all the running. He reached the funeral pyre.

"Another demigod," Viktor said as he and Gregory stood at the top of the school tower, near the huge bell. All the demigod teachers stood around the pyre along with Melissa and Akagi and the demigod students from the dormitory behind the school. Everyone held a candle.

"DIMITRI!" Ariel ran towards the burning pyre but Akagi held him back, "What are you doing to him?! He's not dead! Stop burning his body! DIMITRI! DIMITRI! YOU ASSHOLE, REPLY TO MY TEXTS!" Ariel cried, "DIMITRI!"
The funeral pyre stopped burning as Ariel converted the oxygen around it to Nitrogen. Akagi left him and he ran straight to the pyre, scrunching the ashes left behind.

"Dimitri..." He fiddled around the ashes, "...How could this happen?"
"It was Leviathan. Someone called him here to the human world and he clashed with Dimitri on his way,"


Akagi slapped his face and pulled him down from the funeral pyre, "LEMME GO!" His eyes glowed golden and Akagi's glowed red as he punched his on his face again. Ariel fell on the ground and Akagi kicked his face.

"Ariel!" Melissa ran towards him.
"Shut up and stop being a bitch!" Akagi yelled at him and kicked him in his stomach,  "What do you think? You're the only one who has ever lost someone? You should feel so fucking lucky there are no parades anymore or else you'd be crying for someone every fuckin day!"

Everyone just stared at them with their eyes wide open. Viktor and Gregory looked down at them from the top of the tower. Jevelene looked at him.

Ariel wanted to defend himself but Akagi was too fast to give him any openings. His eyes searched for help in the crowd,
'It's the same again, 
I'm in so much pain,
But nobody comes when I need them.
This is why I like to be alone,'

Suddenly, Jevelene stepped forward, "Stop it!"
She held his hand and hugged him, "He's just a kid!"

He was shocked but equally relieved. He pressed his head over her heart, it was beating loudly, she was scared but she still came to rescue him. The blood from the corners of his mouth smeared her white, night gown.

"If he's a kid, he should act like one!" Akagi yelled as he paced towards them but Ariel drew a huge wall of gold between them, and it went about ten feet high. Everyone gasped. Jevelene was shocked, "Don't...touch her," He whispered and lost consciousness.

When he regained conciousness, he was laying on a stone bench, and Jevelene was sitting next to him. They sat in front of the school lawn. She took a handkerchief and dipped it inside the water from the lotus water fountain. She pressed it on his face and he looked away.
"You've got a bruise on your lip,"
"I'm used to these,"

"Doesn't mean they don't hurt,"
"I'm used to getting hurt,"
"What do you mean? People have hurt you often?" Jevelene asked.

"People always hurt me. Aphrodite...The goddess of love, hated me. She broke the bones of my legs and abandoned me. An old, Swedish, mortal couple picked me and raised me till my Sila surfaced. I remember being in so much when I started walking. And just when the pain disappeared, my Sila came in. They locked me inside a room where I made gold ornaments day in and day out in dingy light. By then, I turned eleven.

I was so tired of everything, so one day, I ran away. I decided to keep my Sila a secret from humans. But, in the city, someone drugged me and captured me. When I opened my eyes, I found myself in someone's bed, undressed,"

Jevelene looked at him.

"I was scared and my body was hurting. They say, demigod bodies have healing powers. You know, if you're have a curse and you have sex with a demigod, their body will take your curse and heal it. So, of course it can cure any human illness,"

Jevelene's eyes widened, "What..."
"I didn't know how to control my Sila very well till then, and by the time I learned that, they made me these," He looked at the golden bracelets in his hands, "Shackles," He said,

"It ensures I don't use my powers on humans. Then, a merchant bought me for his son who had frail health. He took me to Italy, where I met you and you know the rest. I don't know how many people I've had sex with, I've lost count. Dimitri was the first male friend I made. A non sexual homogeneous relationship. And I was so happy that I'm able to become a normal teenager with friends and a family," He began crying.

"I hope, Jevelene, that you never ache like this. I hope you never feel this pain,"

He snorted, "I am never sure how I should feel. Or should I feel at all. What if I never overcome my past? Will I be the damaged product of trauma forever? Will I ever be able to break free from the conditioning or will it always be instilled in me no matter how much time has passed? Is healing even possible or will I always unconsciously carry a small part of it around with me? It's like my past is erasing all parts of me and making me someone else.

This is not me, Jevelene. I don't even know who the fuck Ajax Dougenis is. In all these years, he just got lost. Right now, I'm trying my hardest not to feel anything and I can't tell if that's killing me or making me stronger"
She hugged him tightly and he looked down. 

"To me, you're Ariel. I named you Ariel because I loved you the first time I saw you," She smiled and he stopped crying.

"You need to rest. The world can wait,"
He hugged her, "I wanna rest in your arms,"
"Yeah?" She smiled.
"Yeah," He pressed his head on her heart, "You're so flat, what an uncomfortable pillow,"
"Get away from me, you pervert!"

"But, it's good," He closed his eyes, "This way, your heart is closer to me," He smiled.
She blushed while he continued smiling with his eyes closed, "I love you, Jevelene,"
"I love you too! We're best friends,"

"You make me feel good, Jevelene," He said in his head, "Whenever I see you, I can feel flowers growing in my chest...


Now those flowers are choking me.
And I can't breathe.

So, I have to let you go,"


The next day, Ariel stood near the back alley of the school building, with a cigarette in his mouth and lit it up with a lighter. He inhaled the smoke and looked up at the sky, "She's going to be so disappointed,"

He exhaled a smoke ring.

-To be continued

Ajax Dougenis || DimitriDear Ms Lady Demigod

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Ajax Dougenis || Dimitri
Dear Ms Lady Demigod

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