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A scream split the air as the harsh leather strap drove its way deeper into Avery's skin. The eight-year-old's eyes filled with unwelcome tears as she stared at Snyder, the man responsible for her suffering. His smile was cold and cruel as it crept across his lips, a promise of more pain to come.

"Ready to tell me where he went?"

"I don't know, please." Avery's voice broke on the last word. Pain all too evident by the trail of blue and purple on her milky white skin, where the leather had yet to cut deep enough to draw blood. Drifting in and out of consciousness, the young girl wasn't sure how much more she could take.

His hand collided with her cheek, sending her sprawling backward. A small cry escaped her lips as she fell on the bloodstained floor. "You said he was dead."

Laughter haunted the air. "Ever occur to you, princess, that I lied."

She ran her tongue over her cracked lips, processing this new information. Snyder leaned down, a grin slowly crossing his face. "It looks like your precious little hero left you behind. You must have been too much of a burden to take along."

The reality of his words hit Avery like a brick. She snapped. "Either way, I don't know where he is, so just leave me alone."

He chuckled. "It bothers you, doesn't it, that he left you behind. You were worth nothing to him, and it hurts."

"That's not true."

"Oh, but it is. What else explains the tears?" He swiped at her cheeks like a man comforting his daughter. Only, instead of sympathy, his touch was taunting and rough. "Once I find him, he's as good as dead."

Anger surged through the young girl as she pulled back her fist, slamming it into his jaw. Snyder's face filled with confusion as he stumbled backward for a moment, surprised at her strength. A smile crossed her face. However, the moment didn't last long, the leather strap coming back in contact with her skin. Pain shot through her back, and she had to bite her lip to keep from screaming. Slamming her dark brown eyes closed, she refused to let Snyder see the power he had over her. Blood dripped down her back, and as the darkness took her, she silently vowed never to let anyone see her cry again.

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