The Hunt

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Your vision blurred slightly as you stared up at the moon through the broken skylight you'd fallen through. It became clearer after a few seconds. You were dazed and confused, wondering what had happened and where you were when suddenly, the events of the chase came flooding back to you. The fire escape, the rooftop, the fall... you looked down at yourself. You were laying on a crumpled store shelf, you didn't seem to be injured, at least not too badly. Your body was covered with cuts and bruises. Fortunately the bruises were small and the cuts were shallow, that didn't make them hurt any less though.

"I've got to get up," You muttered as you hoisted yourself into an upright sitting position. You knew that it would only be a matter of time before they were on you again. You shakily stood up, your body was sore, pain raced through you as you trudged through the remains of the shelf you'd landed on. You wanted nothing more than to find a dark corner to lay down in and just sleep.

You kicked down a service door that you found in a dingy storage area in the back of the store with a dimly lit exit sign hanging above it. You staggered out of the doorway and onto a small street where a few anthros were going about there business, enjoying the night. Almost all of them froze and stared at you when they saw you. You looked up and down the street before turning to leave toward what you thought was the suburbs. You froze however, as one anthro stood in your way.

"Good evening," He greeted you with a voice as smooth as silk. He appeared to be a black lab, with his drooping ears, long snout and brown eyes, he was difficult to mistake for anything else. He was wearing black body armor along with a utility belt of sorts. You knew that the odds of him standing in front of you at this point in time with combat wear was no accident. You also knew that the black lab was actually used as a hunting dog. It was very likely that the Mayor had sent this lab anthro to hunt you down.

"This is bad" You thought to yourself. You scowled at the canine as he looked back at you with a grin.

"On second thought, maybe it isn't such a good evening from your perspective."

"What do you want?" You demanded.

"We both know that you already have the answer to that question," He replied.

"Yeah, I guess I do," You grunted.

"And I'm fairly sure I already have the answer to the question that I'm about to ask, but for the sake of all these witnesses here, I'll ask you anyway. Are you going to come quietly?"

"What do you think?" You spat.

"Very well then," The Labrador replied. Before you could even prepare yourself, he'd managed to close the distance between you and himself at an alarming rate. When he reached you, he easily hefted you up by your throat and applied pressure. "I was told this would be the quickest way to incapacitate you without harming you too badly."

"Yeah?" You coughed. You then swung your left leg up as hard and as far as you could. The toe of your shoe struck your captor squarely on his chin causing him to drop you and stagger backwards as his head snapped upward. "I'm told getting kicked in the face hurts more than you'd think."

"That... was well done...." The canine admitted after regaining his bearings. He found that you were missing from where he'd dropped you though. Looking around at the crowd, he found that the majority of the anthros gathered were looking in the same direction. Down towards a side street not far from where they were standing, "He doesn't waste time does he?" The lab noted before getting ready to give chase.

"Just a moment Mr. Sanders," A gruff voice called out.

"Well, if it isn't Captain Stone..." Mr. Sanders sighed as a German Shepherd approached with a few officers in tow.

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