-21- Shop (TBS VERSION)

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Here I am typically shopping for clothes just for the sake of it. I'm here now with my bestfriend, Y/B/N, and I'm on the third aisle, looking at the clothes. I spot one that caught my eye, and grab it, until I felt a hand on top of mine.

"Oops, I'm sorry" I mumbled, looking up to the person, and it was a guy, shopping for girl clothes? odd.

Now this is usually the part where I describe him, and may I say he was gorgeous, like Christian Grey. He had brown eyes, and dirty blonde hair, he wasn't muscular but it was just right and it fits him.

"Oh, were you gonna take this?" He asked, in his british accent, and I just melted.

"I was gonna look at it" I mumbled, and he nodded and handed it to me.

I raised it up on mid-air to see if it was perfect for me, and it was just the right size. I bit my lip, as I see the guy, who hasn't introduced himself, which was okay with me, look at me, waiting for the cloth.

Should I be nice or be a bitch?

Nice is always the answer.

There was a girl next to me, and she smiled at me. She might be the people who were working here.

"Uhh, miss? Do you have any more stocks of these?" I asked, so blondie over here could get one and I could get what I'm holding.

"I'm sorry miss, but we don't have stocks of that." She said politely, and I nodded while biting my lip.

Dang it.

As she left, I turned around to see blondie looking around, waiting, while his hands were jammed in his pockets.

"Sir, you could have this. It seems they have no more stocks, and I thought you would need it more than me." I said, and he was about to say something, until my bestfriend interrupted me.

"Y/N! I found the best knitted sw- Oh, I didn't know you had a boyfriend" She winked at me, and I slapped her at the back of the head.

"What's the name?" She asked, and my eyes widened at her sudden response.

"Thomas, Thomas Sangster" He said, and I was about to squeal.

"You're Newt from the Maze Runner!" I said, and my bestfriend, had no interest, so she left and looked for more clothes.

"Yes love, what's a beautiful lady staying here in F21?" He asked, and I blushed.

"I was looking for clothes, what about you? What's a man doing out here?" I asked, and I mentally slapped myself. He was probably shopping for his girlfriend since it was valentine's.

"Shopping for my mom" He said, and I look up at him and smiled.

"Oh, how rude of me, I'm Y/N" I said, putting my hand out for him to shake which he gladly took.

"What a beautiful name, for a beautiful girl" He said, and I blushed, looking down.

We stared at each other, and damn those eyes could melt my popsicles anytime.

"Oh, uhm, I think you need this more than I do" He cleared his throat to break the eye contact.

"No, you could have it. I'll look around for clothes that suit me" I said, and he smiled.

"Well, it was lovely meeting you Y/N, maybe I could see you around some time" He said as he handed me a piece of paper. I opened it and it was his number. Jeez, I didn't expect this. This is a dream come true.

Thomas freaking Sangster gave me his number!

"YES!" I shouted, and everyone at the shop looked at me crazily. I walked away to find new clothes.

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