Mission 54: Retaking I-island pt.1

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5 Kilometers off I-Island

22:49 hours

SS Wick/ briefing room


"Alright alpha, here is what we know. 13 hours ago I-island went dark and all attempts to establish contact have ended in failure. However HQ was able to remote into some of the cameras and was able to get this footage." I said as I pulled up a 3D holo display and showed my team the most recent video

*The display shows a firefight going on outside a few of the labs, as a few people can be seen fighting with their quirks while others use weapons. The fighting grows intense as the view suddenly changes to a hallway outside a lab which is being heavily defended. A blonde girl around their age can be seen giving out orders to the defenders as a couple of them bring in a bullet riddled old man, who despite his wounds, looked like a tank.*

"As you can see it seems we still have friendly forces on the ground. For you three, since you're new, the one currently leading the remaining defenders is Melissa Shield the head of our support gear R&D. The wounded bear of a man is Absolut, the S-rank in charge of defending the place." I pause a minute and looking at all of them in turn

"While I'm glad he's alive, I'm concerned by his wounds....I can't be sure from just the video, but they look like bullet wounds to me. Which shouldn't be possible considering how he uses his quirk. Something else is going on with this attack.... I just can't figure it out.... Needless to say, I want everyone to be extra careful on this mission."

I make a point of shifting my eyes to the new members "Especially you three.... This is far beyond a typical mission, even by our standards. A single slip up means not only your death but the death of those with you. Do not hesitate, you hesitate you die."

Bloodstalker merely waves at me, a smile plastered across her face. Abyss nods his head in agreement, but tightens his fist obviously worried about the future. Genesis locks eyes with me, her gaze unflinching and full of determination. I was still worried about them being here, but made plans with the highest chances of survival for all of us.

"Ok, so here is the plan. Based on what we've seen, we still have control of the southeastern part of the island. From our current location we'll take zodiac's and make our landing there. Once ashore we'll break into teams and move to different objectives."

Flash, Static, Abyss, and Genesis you four are on rescue duty. Make your way to the lab and link up with Melissa. Find out what happened and the enemies objective, Static do what you can to restablish coms with HQ. Genesis tend to the wounded and create whatever you deem useful to that end. DON'T overwork yourself, if they can't be saved don't waste your time. We don't know how long this fight will be. Flash take command of the defense, Abyss help him."

"Sleeping Death, Bloodstalker, you two are on recon search the island for enemy presence, report numbers and locations. If you can, thin them out if not fall back and regroup."

"Sandstorm you're with me, we're retaking the command center and if that fails rigging the island for demo." Everyone tensed up at the last statement, I looked each of them in the eyes before continuing 

"I-island has too many of Parabellum's secrets stored here, if any of them falls into the wrong hands the world will fall into chaos. That WILL be stopped at all costs...... Lets hope it doesn't come to that." 

"Now go gear up with the new vests Genesis made for you, should be way lighter than our old stuff and stronger too. She also updated your wires Sleeping death and your knives Bloodstalker make sure to thank her later.  We roll out in 5, dismissed." as alpha went to gear up I grabbed Momo's hand before she left.

Pulling her into a tight embrace, I whispered into her ears "Please....Please be careful, I know I'm not showing it, but I'm fucking terrified. Something huge is going on if they were able to not only attack I-Island but also take out Absolut."

Tapping my shoulder to get to pull away, she looks me in the eyes before putting her hands around my neck and pulling me into a deep kiss. After a few seconds she stops and once again staring into my eyes

"Izuku.....Then we'd both better make sure to be extra careful... I'm not going to lose you, and I'll make sure you don't lose me. So do your part "Captain" and I'll do mine, and I expect a bonus when we get back." she said with a small smile.

I stared at her dumbfounded by her resolve to see this through, but soon enough a small smile crept up on my face. "We'll see private.... you have to earn your bonus."


~~~3rd PersonPOV~~~

As Alpha team made landfall, they quickly formed their teams and checked their comms with each other. Once they were sure they worked, the teams started heading for their objectives.

Before Sandstorm left she was pulled aside by Genesis. "Take care of him will you? He's not showing it but he's really on edge." 

"I was going to take care of him no matter what but..... thanks for the heads up."

"Probably not the best time but..... maybe try talking to him about that."

Sandstorm blinks for a second before realizing what shes talking about, before blushing "S-shut up! I'll do it when I'm good and ready!" with a huff she takes off and catches up with Arclight.

A/N: And that there be a cliffhanger... Sorry I was going to start the actual raid this chapter, but realized it wouldn't all fit in and it'd make it hard to cut it off. So I decided to break it up into a few chapters instead. Anywho as always thanks for reading and hope you enjoy!

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