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I hear my phone ring when i open my eyes. I look for my phone and find it laying on my kitchen table. I grab it to see an unkown number calling me. I pick up and ask who this is.

"It's harvey" he says as i now reconise his voice. Why is he calling me at 1 in the morning. "I am at this party but everyone wants to use me for my fame would you like to come?" He asks. Wait did he really just ask me, a girl he met a few weeks ago and only talked to twice to come to this party? He must be insane thinking i would do that.

"I don't know you that well." I say as he sighs.

"There's no harm in a small party." He says. "Look i'll make sure you'll be home before 3." He promises as i hear him close a car door. "And besides, i'm already outside of your apartment." I widen my eyes at his words and sprint towards the window seeing him actually stand there. Wow he is starting to give off stalker vibes, showing up at my house in the middle of the night.

"I-i can't." I say as i walk back to sit at my couch.

He sighs again and i can hear him opening some doors, i walk towards the window to see him not standing there anymore. i look around the street not seeing him until i hear a knock on the door.

"hellooooo, i'm hereeee." he says, almost yelling. i sprint towards my door and swing it open to see him standing in front of me with a smirk on his face.

"i have neighbors." i tell him with a pissed tone as i walk to the side to let him in. he walks towards my couch and sits down. i look at him with a confused look on my face, what the heck is he doing? he turns his head and looks at me standing next to the door that was still open.

"well if i was you i'd get dressed." he says as he looks me up and down. i close my door and sigh. i was just wearing my pyjamas so no ofcourse i wasn't looking party ready. i walk into my bedroom and close the door. i grab a simple pair of mom jeans and a pink cropped top. i quickly put it on and walk towards my living room where he was now watching tv. i can't believe i am going to a party in the middle of the night with a guy i just met.

"you ready?" Harvey says as he walks towards the front door. i grab my coat and lock my door. he opens his car door and i look at him with a mad face.

"i'm not getting in the car with you." i say as i stand with my arms over my stomach. i could smell alcohol on him so i am not getting in the car with him. "i can smell the alcohol."

"oh that." he says as he starts laughing. "someone decided to throw a cup of vodka in my face." he says as he gets in the car. i decide to just believe it and i get in the passengers seat.

we drive for like 10 minutes until we arrive at a huge house. it was a really modern house with a lot of windows. i could see all the people partying and playing drinking games. i look at him with schock and he starts laughing. he walks towards the front door and stops before he opens the door.

"welcome to my house." he says as he gestures for me to come in. i look at him with more schock and walk into the house. did he just leave all these people alone in his house?

we get to the bar and he grabs two shot glasses. he fills them both with tequila and hands me one. i look at the glass and then up to him. he looks at me as if he was waiting for me to take it. normally i don't really drink but after a random guy shows up at my house i could use some alcohol. i throw it in my mouth and start cringing right away. i close my eyes and i can hear Harvey start to laugh. i open my eyes to see him still holding his class that was still full. he puts it down and walks towards the fridge to gab a beer.

"i'm not a big fan of tequila." he says as he opens his beer. i looked at him with a pissed look. so you think i do like tequila? cause i really don't. i was already getting sick of this night that just started. i grab the bottle of tequila and just start drinking out of the bottle. after a few big gulps the burning is gone. i just keep drinking until i feel someone pull the bottle away from me.

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