17. Clock Strikes Midnight

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(New and edited)
CHAPTER 17: Clock Strikes Midnight

"You did brilliantly tonight."

I glance over, removing my eyes from the scene of the Beta holding his mate in close, fingers curled tight around her upper arms while Councilman Kade Knight steps out from the shadows, hands clasped behind his back while I stand in the gardens. I had my attention sharpened on that Beta female, she caught my eye, she's soft, vulnerable but from appearance. I couldn't see through her, not in a way where I could understand whether she's hiding her strengths or not. Whether it's just a play, from what I was seeing above. Seeing the view of rooms and just who was where from such a vast sight down below.

I turn back to Kade, not in the mood to go into employee mode after the stunts he let happen in that courtroom.

I clench my jaw, "What do you want?" I mutter.

"Celestine, Charles is his own person. His choice of games and trials are for this year. We must stand by his decisions, no matter their challenge and cruelty—Ah, Elder Elias, I did not see you there." He says the last part in mild surprise while I watch the Beta girl move from the window after loosening her male's grip and stepping aside.

"Councilman Kade, we were only in the middle of a few meditation exercises, when I noticed Celestine out here in the dark." Elias's voice is smooth in the slight chill of the air, a deep black and blue gush of wind that ruffled my curls.

Kade nods, standing at ease next to me, "Very well. Celestine, I just wanted to wish you best of luck during the trials. Based on recent winnings, I'd say anything you wish to take on, will crumble at your feet." He murmurs to me, smiling with a wink before leaving for the edge of the hotel where I caught the hood of a figure before they moved.

I turned away from my old professor and the elders as I face the night, stars and crescent moon that skyscrapers couldn't eclipse with the grassy span in front of me. It's usual colour tone silhouetted in the deep night, "Still upset with me?" He asks me gently, stepping in next to me with the remaining elders behind us.

I study the moon, "I shouldn't have snapped, losing my temper wasn't professional." I mutter. My type of apology.

He turns to me in the dark, only the lights of the outside on his face, "I am the one who owes you an apology, what I advised you to do on Julius territory was an act of professionalism, not of my true opinion." He begins with, hesitant yet strong.

I side glance him, "There's nothing that can be done now." I murmur, trailing my eyes toward the stars. It's a deep twirl of midnight blue and black, contrasting the silver moon I'm not eager to howl to, as if the moon goddess herself does not answer my calls, my prayers, she does not confirm my beliefs or respond to questions that never seem to have clear, concise answers.

"Do you feel something for your Alpha? The way he acted this evening, I know it is normal, but..." He trails off when I face him and stare into his eyes, mine holding a resolved touch that was about as deceptive as this place was. Yet the old man before me, who looked like he still had a handsome side to him, looked so convinced and so stilled but it.

"You told me to learn to love him." I mention.

He studies me, "There is a difference between true love and devotion compared to something far darker and inhuman." He quakes, his cloak bristling in the light wind.

I glance at his group of elders who never remove their hoods, "You're all of the elemental lineages, correct?" I ask because I'm digging. Fishing for random, insightful information now. I felt familiar when they were near. Before, I couldn't put my finger on it, now, it felt like something was pulling me, beckoning my eyes, reaching through my bloodstream in an alluring, intoxicating manner and it was coming from more than one direction.

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