Explanations, Part 2

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                                               Ladybug's earrings started beeping, it broke the silence and the sweet hug they were sharing. "Sorry, Cat Noir and you Raven but I need to go." Cat Noir stood up from his position and agreed with Ladybug.  Raven still had something to say though. "Ladybug, Cat Noir!" They both turned around, anxious to hear what she had to say, "Before you leave, I thought, maybe I could stay here in Paris for a little while, so, is there a school here, in Paris that you would recommend me to go to, while I stay here?" She nervously said as she looked up at them with innocent eyes. "Françoise Dupont High School," they both said at the same time.

                                           They looked at each other surprised while Raven just giggled it off. "Ok," she said with a smile. They turned around ready to leave, but Raven called out to them, "Ladybug!" They both turned around, Ladybug was already getting a little annoyed. "Thank you!" They both nodded at her words and yelled back, "You're welcome!" When they left, Raven stood up and went behind one of the buildings in the town and detransformed. "Don't cry Sarah. You're fine," Rava reassured. She wiped a tear off her face and nodded. Rava hid in one of Sarah's pockets and closed her eyes, ready to rest after working hard with Sarah. Sarah wouldn't mind resting in her hotel room either, but she decided to find the blue - haired girl from earlier.

                                                           She looked like one of the town people, so she probably knew the school she wanted to know about, and she could show her around town. She looked to her left and saw a blue - haired girl, the same one! She entered a very interesting building somewhat like a bakery or desert shop. Plus, after working hard, she wouldn't mind a nice snack, would she? "Hey, Rava! Would you want something delicious as a snack?" Sarah enthusiastically asked. "Sure, why not?" Rava replied quietly while peeking out of Sarah's pocket. Sarah smiled and walked in the bakery. As the door opened she could smell the fresh bread and sweet deserts baking in the oven. It was a long time since she smelled something so good. She smiled with true feelings this time. For her, Living in Paris, was like a dream that would've never come true in her old home, China.

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