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I was in a dead sleep when I woke up this morning. I rolled onto my back and rolled my fists over my eyes, rubbing them awake. James, Sirius, and Peter were already up and in their school uniforms ready for the day. I stretched my arms over my head before I got out of bed and began to put on my own school uniform.
"Did you have a good sleep, Moony?" Asked Sirius, smirking.
"Yeah," I tell him.
"After effects of the full moon," said James, and he was right. I am dead tired for about a week after transforming. I'd sleep like a rock for the next few days. We had History of Magic first thing this morning, and Binns was bound to put me back to sleep, which I would enjoy. Having Binns class first thing every week wasn't exactly my favorite thing to start off the week but we didn't really have a choice in that matter.
Eloise was waiting for us when we entered the Common Room. She smiled at us when she saw it was us coming down the stairs. She stood up and gathered her school things. "Sorry Ellie," greeted Sirius, "one of us had a hard time waking up this morning."
"Moony could have slept all day if we hadn't woken him up," James added.
"Don't tease him," Ellie says, her tone sharp. It made me smirk. It was funny. We headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast.
After breakfast, we headed to History of Magic. As much as I tried to stay awake, Professor Binns was so boring I couldn't help it. I had to rest my eyes. So I did. I placed my head onto my book and allowed myself to drift off to sleep.
When I woke up from my little nap, Binns was still going on. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Ellie was sitting in front of me next to her best friend Dorcas. Her long, brunette waves were draped over her chair in front of me. It was very well taken care of and very shiny. It was a very pretty dark chocolate color. I never noticed it like this before, but not that I have I can't stop.
She pretended to yawn, lifting her arms over her head, leaning back a bit, and dropped a folded note onto my table in front of me. I opened it, and it said to wait a minute and follow her out the room. I didn't really understand it until I saw her stand up and she just walked out of the classroom. I shouldn't do it, but I'd do anything to get out of here right now. So, I waited a minute like she said.
Binns didn't say anything about my leaving. I don't think he even noticed, if I'm honest. Ellie was waiting for me outside of the door. "Follow me," she says quickly and begins walking fast as well.
"Ellie," I say, trying to keep my voice quiet so the other classes didn't hear, "Where are we going?"
"Just follow me," she says. I don't ask anymore questions until we're at the top of the Astronomy Tower.
"Why are we here? I ask, she stands in front of me, wearing a devious smirk.
Her hands were on the back of my neck, and in a seductive voice, she said, "You ask a lot of questions," and then she pulled me into a long, hot kiss on the lips.
Of course I was surprised by this kiss, but hey, if a pretty girl wants to kiss me, I'm not going to stop her. I kissed her back. We stayed like that for a good moment before she pulled back from me. "I didn't know you had such a rebellious side."
"Oh yeah," she smirked evilly at me. "Do you want to see how rebellious I can be?"
"Sure," I say, smirking back. 
Her tiny, pale hands were at the waistband of my trousers, unbuttoning them. Then she slid her hand down my pants slowly. I close my eyes to take in the feeling.
My body started to shake then, and when I opened my eyes, I was back in the History of Magic classroom. Sirius had my shoulder in his hand. That's when it hit me. It was a dream. It was all a dream. Of course it was. Ellie isn't the type of girl to do that where we could be caught.
But why Ellie? I think that I knew why. Because Sirius has put it in my head that she would be a good girlfriend for me. That had to be why. It had nothing to do with thinking the way she scrunched up her nose was cute. Or how cute she was when she concentrated hard on school work.
No, this was all Sirius and him putting ideas in my head. I could kill him. I couldn't be having wet dreams in the middle of the day like this. I'd have to get a grip on my mind so it didn't happen again. I couldn't let it didn't happen again. Ellie was my friend, and only my friend. I couldn't be having dirty dreams about her like that. It wasn't right.
"Have a good sleep, mate?" Asked Sirius, who was smirking. I didn't answer. Instead I looked around and I saw the other fifth year students gathering their things. Class had ended. Ellie stuck with Dorcas. I was able to tear into Sirius about leaving me alone about him wanting me to date Ellie because it's putting ideas in my head that I'd rather not have about her. Sirius smirked, not looking sorry at all. 
"Having dreams about Ellie, huh? Anything good?"
"You woke me up before anything too bad happened. You need to quit this mission to find me a girlfriend that you're on, you hear me? Eloise is my friend, I shouldn't be having dreams about her giving me hand jobs on the Astronomy Tower. Okay?"
Sirius actually laughed. "The Astronomy Tower, really?"
"Shut up," I hiss at him.
"That's her favorite spot in the castle, mate," said Sirius. I felt my face flush. That just made it all worse. It really made the whole thing worse.
I couldn't look at Ellie at all for the rest of the morning. It helped that she had decided to stick by Dorcas today. My eyes fixed on her at lunch, and I couldn't look away from her. She was having an animated conversation with Dorcas and Mary. She did that cute little nose scrunch again. It reminded me of a bunny rabbit. Which is oddly enough that was the animal she can turn into.
"Moony," I heard Peter's voice, I didn't respond. "Hey Moons." He said, louder this time. It got my attention.
"Yeah," I ask him.
"You're not paying attention, are you?" Peter inquires.
"No," I admit. James looked in the direction my eyes were before Peter got my attention. He looked back with a smirk. "Looking over at Greene, are we?"
"No," I say, sharply.
James and Sirius laughed. I rolled my eyes. "Thinking about your dream again?" Sniggered Sirius.
"Oh shut it," I demand.
"Oh so you were?" Sirius inquired. I could have punched him in the face. "It's alright, mate, give into it."
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" I didn't have to ask that. I knew it was exactly what he wanted. "Why can't she just be my friend? Why must you insist that she become my girlfriend?"
"Because," says Sirius, "she'd be great for you. You deserve someone like her, mate. She became an Animagus for you, and she wasn't that close with you when she did that."
"You did that, too, mate. And James and Peter," I remind him, and then I added, "And I don't want to date any of you."
"You're just being stubborn because you know it's what I want," said Sirius, his tone annoyed.
"That, and he thinks he doesn't deserve love or be happy because of his furry little condition," James added, smiling.
"You lot are so annoying," I scoff.
Sirius looked at James, and they smiled at each other as if to speak telepathically. It was annoying. Then Sirius said, "He doesn't even realize how deep he's in already."
"Totally clueless," James agreed. I wanted to throw my pumpkin juice at both of their faces.
"I think I'm going to pay Ellie a quick visit," said Sirius and then he looked at me. "Don't worry I won't mention the dream. I just want to see if she'll let me borrow her Transfiguration notes."

"I've got some news," said Sirius as he sat down at the table next to me.

"What's that?" I ask, curiously. 
"Remus is going to be yours in no time," He explains, smiling. I rolled my eyes at him and let out an annoyed sigh.
"Sirius, stop it," I say my voice exasperated, "I told you people quit it with this Remus thing."
"Yes, but you're going to like what I have to tell you," he says, still smirking. He continued when I didn't respond. "He fell asleep in History of Magic this morning and you were the leading lady of his dream."
"And you think that means he's in love with me?" I ask even though I knew the answer already.
"It wasn't a wholesome dream," he added, smirking back.
"Oh no," I say, pretending to be shocked, "A teenage boy had a dirty dream. Big deal Sirius, it doesn't mean he's got feelings for me. We've been spending a lot of time together, that's all that it is."
"Well," said Sirius, "Whatever your doing, keep it up. He's starting to realize how awesome you are. We need him to fall for you, and I think it might happen soon if you keep it up. You should get him a Christmas present. It's a full moon so he's staying back. Maybe you should, too." He paused and leaned in and spoke quietly, "I can talk James into leaving the cloak behind for you."
"My mum would kill me if I didn't come home, but if I explained that my friend was staying back and I didn't want them to be alone she'd understand."
"Exactly," said Sirius, beaming, "I'd do it but my parents expect me home to keep up the façade that we're a happy family."
"I'll write home and tell my mum I'm staying back, but if and only if you get Prongs to leave the cloak behind. I'm not staying back if I can't actually spend time with Moony when he needs it."
Sirius smiled happily, "That's my Honey Bunny," he said and pulled me into a quick hug.
"Never call either hat again," I tell him, my tone hard.

"Well Moony," greeted Sirius as he came back to us at the table, "our little Bunny rabbit has agreed to stay back for the Christmas Holidays with you if Prongs agrees to leave behind his cloak for her to use."
"What?" I ask, shocked.
"She's just that awesome," said a smirking Sirius. He was just so smug.
"You didn't ask her to do that for me, did you?" I ask, observing his face.
"No, when I brought it up she offered to stay once she found out you'd be here all alone. She didn't like the thought of it."
"Really?" I ask, not believing it. Why would Ellie want to run around in the woods with me when she could spend Christmas with her family? It didn't make any sense to me. I'd have to talk to her and get her to go home. She shouldn't miss the Holidays with family for me.
That night in the Common Room I went up to Ellie and asked to talk to her alone. Dorcas left us to talk alone, just the two of us. I took Dorcas's seat while we talked. "Sirius mentioned that you'd like to stay behind this Christmas."
She smiled proudly, "Yeah. I don't mind if no one else can."
"You don't have to do that for me," I say, quickly. Her smile vanishes. It made me feel awful knowing that I now hurt her feelings. So I quickly added, "You should spend Christmas with your family."
"Christmas hasn't been the same since my dad died, and if you're going to be here all alone there's no question about it. I want to stay here with you."
My heart suddenly felt so full. She didn't want to stay behind for me. She had other reasons. Reasons I never considered before. I now wanted her to stay, and I wanted to make it a great Christmas for her.
I feel my mouth curve into a smile, "Alright we'll spend Christmas together, and we'll have  a great Holiday."
"We will," she agrees, smiling and nodding.

Here's Part 6!

Remus was going through it a bit during this chapter, man.

Also, I don't write smut. That was about as spicy as it I will go on my stories.

-Emily Winchester.

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