The Mission

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"Wah~ this spaceship is so cool!!!! You guys do this all time?" [Y/N] so excited that she get to go to space.

"Yeah!" Ying answered.

'My brother is so going to pay me for this! Be prepare Amane!' [Y/N] thought.

----At Yashiro's house----

"Achoo!" Amane sneezed.

"Did you caught a cold or something Amane-kun?" Yashiro ask.

"Meh It's probably nothing."

----Back to [Y/N]----

Their current mission is to retrieve portalbot which is located in planet kunia. The reason why this mission needed six people is because portalbot kept teleporting into different places around the planet and it's quite hard to pinpoint it's exact location.

Without further ado, they landed on the planet with their plant disguise that their Commander gave before they set off with their search for portalbot.

 Fang and Gopal went together, Yaya and Ying sped off, Boboiboy split into 3  and went different direction while [Y/N] stays at the same place.

The [boy/girl] jump into bushes and climbed onto trees to check if portalbot was anywhere. But nope, they got chased by alien bees after finding out the "fruits" that are on the trees are hives before almost getting chomped by a random gator that was in the water.

"Portalbot! Where the heck are you?!" 

As if the god/goddess heard their scream from above there comes a wave of odd looking aliens from nowhere chasing Gopal who is crying while carrying a ball that look suspiciously like a power spera.

"Wahhhhhhh [Y/N]!!! Tolong aku [help me]!!!!" [Y/N] is confuse when their friend spoke Malay but before they can even ask a shadow tried to pull both of them out of the way.

Due to [Y/N] being half ghost the shadow past through them while Gopal is still screaming in fear clinging onto the power spera like his life is depending on it. 

And now the aliens are targeting the poor [boy/girl] who just want to have a special ice chocolate from Tok Aba's kokotiam and chill.

Unfortunately things don't always goes according to plan and now they'll have to think of a way to ran away since they know nothing about this planet nor the species here.

And so they did the most reasonable thing that a person would do. They vanished. Well not exactly, they just turn into their ghost form before running off to where they last saw their teammates.

'After I get back, I should murder those two for leaving me behind to deal with those unknown aliens! I'm NEW and I don't anything about this! I should probably raid the library after this...'  

The [boy/girl] ran over the bushes and stop when they notice something is moving nearby. 

'Please don't be an unknown creature. Please don't be an unknown creature!' They carefully move toward the bush that was having a lot of movements before a pair of horns? Oh wait, it's a green square horn...

A green square horn???

Wait a damn minu- Isn't that the alien they saw on earth a few moments ago?! 

"Encik Boss! We got the power spera!"

"Ahahahaha great job Probe! Great job!" the box head alien said as he patted the robot on it's cover? head? And somehow the robot looks happy about it??? Isn't that portalbot?! 

[Y/N] just grab the power spera from the robot and started to float away from the two who are blabbering about their plans out loud. 

Probe felt something is out of it's claw only to notice that the ball of power is gone. 

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