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Knowledge is power;

Power comes from the mind.

The Pen is mightier than the sword.

What the hell does those mean? Honestly, without looking up an answer, what was the first thing that comes to mind when reading those famous quotes?

For me, all I could think about was high school English class and the teachers shoving every literature piece that reaches some life lesson down our throats like a broken record.

They don't actually know what the writers who write those quotes actually mean. For it all it could be is that knowledge helps differentiate between people and animals. Or that the power from the mind could be a reference of having the force like Jedi's. Or the pen being mightier for throwing it at someone's eyes.

But, the teachers would have us believe or to think in one way. That we were forced to believe that it meant a specific analogy, that shapes our beliefs later on in life. But it's no different than the adults in our lives that try to force their beliefs onto the younger generation.

You're probably wondering where this is going? Or if I have a point.

Yes, yes I do.

See the older generation like to tell us younger generation what they believe is right and wrong. Which is culturally correct and which is just wrong. They (not all, but most) older generation think because they lived longer they know better. They justify their actions and whatever we say or do is wrong or incompetent.

What they fail to see, is how the younger generation know a lot more than they let on. That we could know more about something than they ever will. But having knowledge especially in something that isn't classified as "normal" can and possibly will be glossed over.

"Right now Stiles, I'm choosing eye witness over banshee." Sheriff Stilinski told his son before leaving with the rest of the police.

"You're leaving me here?! Not a good idea!" Stiles yelled after his dads retreating figure.

Since no one wants to listen to the "kids" or simply acknowledge what they know, it leaves the "delinquents" to do it themselves. It leaves it up to them to do something. Like making sure no one dies at the school, when the killer is on the loose. While the adults go follow a dead end trail, it leaves the kids to truly save the day.

"How do we get everyone out before he gets a chance to blow up the boiler room?" Lydia asked as Stiles looks around for answer. Then he spots the red square fire alarm across the hall. Immediately he makes his way across and without hesitation, he pulled it.

Lydia flinched as the loud ringing spread throughout the school. She looked through the crowd of students, hoping the werewolves were safe and out of harms way. She froze when she glanced back at a slightly cheesy Stiles, looking directly at the angry figure behind him.

"Stilinski!" Stiles jumped and looked towards his coach. Before Stiles could make an excuse the coach immediately questioned his sanity. If only Coach Finstock knew the true reasoning for Stiles pulling the fire alarm. If he did maybe he wouldn't have given him a weeks worth of detention.

Now, I know the older generation will defend their actions by simply saying they thought it was for the best. Or that it was to keep you safe or something. The excuses were mostly used for justifying them keeping certain aspects of knowledge to themselves.

Like Kira's parents, keeping a very important secret from their daughter. If they just told Kira the truth maybe she could've been prepared. Maybe she wouldn't have had to find out she was a kitsune through a near death experience. Let alone from a complete psychologically disturbed killer that was ready to fry her without hesitation.

"What are you doing...?" Kira spoke to her kidnapper. The said man looked to her before beginning his speech. A speech that began with the kids with glowing eyes and how nobody would believe him. But that'll change, with her, with the picture of Kira herself on the phone.

The flash revealing a hidden secret.

Despite the differences between the generations, there was a few they all have in common. They all completely misunderstood the capacity of actions to consequence.

While part of the Scooby Gang try to save the day again. They were not aware about the unforeseen consequences. That when Barrow tries to electrocute Kira, it caused a ripple effect. Not only did the electricity not affect her, but simply backfired and killed Barrow himself.

It lead to Stiles Stilinski -who was holding the metal bat- being magnetized right into the electric box. Thus banging his head and shooting surges of electricity throughout his body.

Just when Lydia heard the sirens she leaves the Jeep ready to lead them to Barrow. Meanwhile, Scott watched in amazement as Kira stood there, both watching the electricity cackle along her skin. Then within a few seconds they seep into the skin, leaving her harmless and no sign of being harmed. Both Kira and Scott look at one another with questions. Only the former not realizing her eyes glowed a rustic orange before returning back their dark brown.

Before Scott could say anything, he heard the sounds of the policemen making their way to them. Seconds later, the two teens were surrounded by policemen.

No one taking note of a valued pack member missing. While Stiles slowly woke up confused at the recent events before he blacked out. Before he could register anything he heard his father call for him. Immediately brought into a hug, both parties relieved that the other was safe.

As it seems like the day ended on a happy note, the pack relish in the yet another small victory. Completely unaware that one small victory is exactly that.

A small one.

For they were unaware they unleashed a bigger evil. An evil that was lurking within one of their own.

Author's Note:

Guess who's not dead....

I've finally updated and honestly I was probably one of the worst chapters Ives written as of yet.

To be completely honest, I've had writers block and lacked the motivation to write. I did have part of the chapter written but never finished it. Until now when I forced myself to rewrite the chapter and publish it.

So apologies for the horrible writing or if it didn't make sense or that it seemed rushed. I just wanted to put something out there and that it will hopefully push me to write again.

I haven't updated any of my books in weeks and I want to get back to it. For the fact that readers like you all that really like my books and ask me to update them.

So thank you for voting, reading, and commenting on them, it means a lot. I won't make any promises that I'll be updating regularly but I will do my best. Thank you 💕

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