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"Draco that's beyond our reach! Didn't you explain it to them? I can't kill Dumbledore, and you know that you can't kill him as well!" Scorpius said ones they were at their dormitory.

"I know, we did everything that we can!" Draco said.

"The necklace that Katy had, where is it now?" Scorpius said trying to calm himself down.

"That I don't know" Draco said.

"I have a plan, but it's mad and we'll be breaking more than one school rule" Scorpius said.

"I'm all ears" Draco said.

"Where can we get wine?" Scorpius asked if they were going to kill Dumbledore they can do it in a less brutal way he knows it's weak, but he can't kill a person especially their Headmaster.

"What are you going to do with wine?" Draco asked.

"The less brutal way to kill Dumbledore is to poison him" Scorpius said.

"We both know we have to kill him, I don't want to kill him, but we have too and you know that this is our fate" He continued.

"We have to kill him" Draco said looking down, "Or he's going to kill us" Draco continued.

"This seems weak, but I'll take it, it's our only chance, right?" Draco said turning to Scorpius.

"Yeah" Scorpius said in a whisper.

"Listen Scorp whatever happens this is not on you, this is not on me, but it's on him, alright?" Draco assured him and he slightly nodded at him.

"No matter what happens we're in this", Draco said smiling at him.

"Together" Scorpius said and Draco nodded at him.

"Now go, you still have to meet Hermione by the bridge", Draco said and Scorpius looked down.

"I'm telling her tonight", Scorpius said and Draco gave him a small smile.

"She'll understand don't worry" Draco saud and Scorpius smiled sadly at him.

"I hope so" He said before he left Draco at their dormitory.

"Hey 'Mione" Scorpius said as he sat down on the stone floor beside Hermione.

"Scorp" She said, and Scorpius smiled at her.

"What is it you want to tell me?" Hermione asked as Scorpius ran a hand thru his hair.

"Well- 'Mione, remember the night when Auntie Bella took us?" Scorpius asked and Hermione nodded.

"Well- y-you see we're on a mission, and I'm afraid that I might fail and- we might get killed", Scorpius said and Hermione was shocked, but sighed.

"Does Archer know?" She asked and Scorpius nodded.

"I can't explain it to Harry nor Ron, knowing them they're going to be stubborn and won't listen to me" Scorpius said and Hermione hugged him, he was shocked, but slowly melted in the hug.

"Just be safe I don't want my bestfriend getting in to much trouble" Hermione said as she let go of the hug.

"Alright, that all I wanted to tell you" Scorpius said and left.


"They're not safe in Hogwarts anymore" Sirius said as he paced around, Athena and Regulus was there and they were trying to calm him down.

"Who's attacking?" Sirius asked the two.

"Lou" Athena whispered, but Sirius heard it.

"L-little Lou?" He asked and Athena nodded.

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