Chapter Five

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After their quickie, Regina was forced to sit idly by and watch as the Savior made a fool of herself, staring at a blank map and stating very obvious traits about herself in hopes that it would unlock the map that leads to Henry. The Savior is supposed to stop denying who she really is. At one point, Regina almost blurted out that Emma should try accepting her sexuality and stop hiding behind a line of scruffy men.

After many failed attempts, Regina had finally had enough and stole the map to try a locator spell. And that map lead them right to Pan, more like right into an ambush. Maybe it was her fault for trying to cheat the system, but she will never admit that out loud because she will do whatever necessary to bring her son home again.

After their failed fight against a bunch of boys, Regina thought very long and hard about what could unlock that map. She knew the key was something that corresponds with the Lost Boys, because why else would Emma be so haunted by their cries at night? Why else would Emma scramble off the boy she was fighting against with an expression that resembled seeing a ghost? Regina had her suspicions, but it's really none of her concern. 

Or at least that's what she lies to herself.

She skeptically watched from across the campsite as Snow carefully approached Emma to discuss what was tormenting her. She couldn't hear them, but by the end, they were both in tears and Emma unlocked the map that would lead directly to Henry.

Again, Regina was hesitant and wary about trusting this map, it just all seemed too good to be true. In the end, she relented because there was this look in those wholesome green eyes and a softness in Emma's voice when she said they were better off together.

Now, they are gathering supplies, attempting to come up with a plan to bombard Pan's camp when Regina notices a certain blonde missing again.

Dammit Swan.

She sighs, turning around and trekking through the jungle because she knows Emma is an emotional wreck, bobbing back and forth between the heartache of her past while worrying over her son. And she most certainly doesn't trust the Savior to not lash out irrationally if that demon child comes to taunt her again.

She uses her handkerchief to wipe the sweat away from her chest as she ducks beneath an enormous leaf.

"And as for you, Emma, when we are finished, you won't just feel like an orphan, you'll be one," Pan boldly threatens, forcing Emma's feet to halt for a brief moment before she shakes off his words and walks away.

Regina watches as Peter Pan vanishes before her very eyes and she doesn't think about her next move, it's simply a knee-jerk reaction. She latches onto Emma's elbow and whirls her back around. Maybe Emma sensed her, maybe she could smell her perfume or sweat lingering in the air, either way, Emma doesn't fight her off.

"Hey, what was that smug prick rambling about now?" Regina inquires, her voice extra raw from the amount of liquid leaking from her body.

"Nothing," Emma grumbles in defiance, yet she never tears her elbow from Regina's clutches.

"No, that wasn't just nothing. I heard him taunting you, something about being an orphan," she argues and when the last word leaves her lips and floats in the minimal space between them, Emma surges forward, smashing their lips together for another domineering kiss.

The sheriff rushes forward and Regina finds herself pinned up against another tree with that defiant mouth claiming her own lips.

"Swan," she breathlessly gasps, but the pain in the ass has other plans, like skating down Regina's salty neck, scraping her teeth along the way and persuading Regina's core to throb with need. Despite the glorious attention, she buries her hand in Emma's sleek hair and forces their eyes to meet. "Wait, what did that creep say to you that has you so furious?" She asks and she almost regrets her interrogation by the way those green eyes fill with a liquid ready to drown Emma in her own pain.

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