61. eureka

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The solemn music to commemorate Rose filled my ears as I followed after Bellamy and Murphy. My eyes darted around, afraid that we were going to get caught. 

But luckily, it seemed that everyone was too caught up with saying goodbye to Rose, that no one noticed us creeping toward the palace. 

As we approached the door, we had made it unseen. I stopped next to Bellamy, my eyes falling on the keypad that had been pulled from its socket. 

Bellamy let out a small laugh as he reached out to touch it. "Like father, like son."

A soft smile came to my lips at the mention of our fallen friend. It still seemed crazy to me somedays that Jordan was Monty and Harper's child.

Murphy wore a similar expression to my own as he hovered behind Bellamy and I. So much had happened in the past week, I don't think many of us had had a real chance to register it all. 

Looking back to Murphy and I briefly, Bellamy turned and pushed open the door, allowing all of us to slip through. 

As we entered the reliquary, I felt myself shudder at the sight in front of us.

There were dozens of skeletons set up around the room which was dimly lit as if to show them on display. 

Instinctively, I moved closer to Bellamy, my eyes scanning the room in shock as I let out a small breath. 

"You've got to be kidding me." Murphy muttered. "Which part of "I hate dead people" did you not understand?"

Bellamy placed a hand on the small of my back as a gesture of support. His own eyes were curious as they looked around. "Quiet, Murphy."

I looked over to Murphy, my face tense in discomfort as we took a slow step inside. "We know you're in here , Jordan." I called, my voice echoing throughout the room. 

He didn't even try to put up a fight. Seconds after the words left my mouth, Jordan was emerging from within the room, a defeated look on his face. 

"What the hell are you doing?" Bellamy demanded, marching toward Jordan. 

"What you would have done." Jordan challenged. "The you before Praimfaya, anyway. Heart over head. That was my favourite Bellamy."

"Okay." I interceded as Bellamy's face flashed with annoyance. Stepping in between the two boys, I placed my hands up in front of me. "Let's just relax for a minute."

"How are we supposed to relax in a place like this?" Murphy grunted under his breath. 

The sound of the door closing caused all of us to jump slightly as we turned toward it. 

Gaia stood in front of it, she clearly being the source of the noise. 

"You, too?" Bellamy wondered in exasperation. 

Gaia looked slightly perplexed. "They worship Nightbloods. I'd like to understand why that is."

"I'd like us to leave." Murphy announced. "There's no way I'm getting thrown out of the one safe place on this moon because you got dumped." he called to Jordan. 

I let out a frustrated sigh as I looked around. "I don't think they're going to be very happy if they catch us in here." 

As if on cue, the door swung open and Clarke came marching in. "This is Sanctum's holiest place. You shouldn't be here."

We all looked around, slightly confused as to why Clarke was so upset that we were in here. Sure, none of us wanted to get caught, but we weren't so occupied with the holiness of this place. 

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