Special Chapter: The Myterious Confedrate Soldier (Not Neo-Confedrate!)

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Warning: Rascit words from a historical group, Censored Cursing, Violences, and a Confedrate soldier.

For those who are burning with rage that I included some Confedrate soldier into my story and thinking I'm a white supremacists, don't worry. I don't support the Confedrates and their goals to enslave all Africans and their ideals.

Now let's get on with this special chapter.

Fourth Reich

News was spearding like wildfire around the Fourth Reich. Rumors said that there was a captured American soldier who claimed to come from a universe where the South won. This was unbelievable to many.

There were more questions than answers but these will be answer soon.

Gestapo Interrogation Room

A Confedrate soldier named Chris Lee was sitting in a dark scaier room

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A Confedrate soldier named Chris Lee was sitting in a dark scaier room. He was nervous as he passed by prisoners being used as experiments. Some were tortured. Sometimes being shot in the head was much better than a fate like this.

Soon Gestapo soldiers came into his room with the main interrogator sitting in front of him. He was an American who joined the SS just like most Americans in Nazi America out of patriotism.

"So what's your name Private?" the Gestapo interrogator asked.

"Chris. Chris Lee." The Confedrate soldier answered.

"So you claimed to be from some sort of Second American Civil War. Is that right?" the interrogator asked.

"Yes. I mean am I in the future?"

"I'm afraid not. We never had a 2nd American Civil War." he said.

"No. It is happening. I swear I am from that conflict. I'm not insane!" Chris Lee said in a panic. He feared being placed into an insane asylum.

"Calm down Chris." The Gestapo Interrogator said in a calm voice. "Want something to drink?"

"Huh? Oh Yes please." he said.

The Gestapo interrogator requested a drink for their guest before their contunied with their conversation.

"While this 2nd Civil War hasn't happened in this universe, I assumed you must be from an alternate universe?"

"What?" Chris asked before taking a sip to cool down. He can't help feel the drink was abit creamy and tasty.

"Let me explain so you can understand." The interrogator said. "There are different realities in which different happens but in other realities, it never happened."

"So what you're saying that in some realities, the 2nd Civil War never happened?"

"Correct. Now that you have a better understanding of different realities, can you explain how you got into that universe of ours?" The interrogator said.

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