Chapter 27

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Esmeray got to work soon after.

Spreading out her materials, she started planning for a spell that might be able to locate the remaining white oak. So far, Rebekah had not found out where it was, and their best bet at locating it quickly was with magic.

"Let's try some of the ashes," said Esmeray, knowing Klaus had a supply of white oak ash for when he daggered his siblings. "That might help. I think perhaps using your blood would help, too, since you were there when it burned. Possibly the daggers, too."

Klaus nodded, and retrieved that for her as she put out a map of the world. Using a mortar and pestle, she ground some of the herbs that might help amplify the spell's potency. She poured the grinded-down herbs into a bowl, and used a knife to cut into her own wrist, managing to let some drops fall beside the herbs.

"Why did you need your blood?" asked Klaus, biting into his own hand to let her drink and heal up.

"I need to mark the herbs and make them sense something much older, and since I'm as ancient as you, I can use my blood and ensure they will be able to sense every last trace of the ash. Your blood, in turn, is mixed with the ash separately to be a sort of beacon that will help me locate where all the white oak is."

Klaus didn't exactly understand what she was saying, but he nodded. She brought out a different bowl and instructed him to let it fill with his blood before she sprinkled just a bit of the white oak ash over it. Taking one bowl in each hand, she lifted them, murmuring a preparation spell quietly over them. She poured a bit of each mixture into a smaller vial, then poured both mixtures together over the center of the map.

"Blod anbrige hvit eik aske til tre," she chanted slowly, making her hands move in one big circle over the map, sweeping over it in a clockwise motion. "Sanguis invenio lokalisera, hvid eg alba quercu, lignis cinerem ask till trä."

The blood refused to move, and with an angry huff, she started to chant again. "Blod anbrige hvit eik aske til tre, sanguis invenio lokalisera, hvid eg alba quercu, lignis cinerem ask till trä..."

This time, the blood did move, sweeping over the map and pooling over Virginia. Good, that meant the white oak hadn't been chopped up and carted off into another part of the country. With a wave, she made the blood lift itself off the map, the droplets all floating in the air before returning to each bowl, separated once more. She discarded the first map and moved onto a map of Virginia. She wanted to be as accurate as possible— perhaps the wood had been distributed to other towns in the state. Once she had smoothed out the Virginia map, she poured the blood out and started the spell again. Thankfully, the blood pooled around Mystic Falls.

"The wood is still here," said Esmeray, clearing the table to bring out a map of Mystic Falls.

Klaus nodded gratefully, letting Rebekah know. "Rebekah's been at the Salvatore House for hours already and she has yet to figure anything out. She has yet to let me know if she's even receiving my messages."

Esmeray pursed her lips. "Damon probably doesn't know anything about it. I've seen his memories. I don't think he's ever looked at any of the Salvatore milling logs from the past."

"Well then, Rebekah will have her work cut out for her," muttered Klaus as she set up for the third spell. He peered over her shoulder, making her blush lightly as she started to chant once more.

The blood slid smoothly over the map, situating itself over Wickery Bridge. Esmeray raised her eyebrow, not sure how this was useful, until she realized what it meant, and she smacked herself on the head. "The bridge is made of wood. It would seem the entire tree was used to make it."

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