Jacob Bertrand: Attention

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This was requested by @LeaveMeAloneAlrea
Just short, sweet, and cute!

  You were laying on the bed frame of your boyfriend Jacobs bed, he had invited you over to spend some time with you. The first hour or so of being with Jacob was fun, you both did some extreme things but they were fun doing together.

  Key word together. Jacob wanted to play video games for a while to which you didn't complain because usually he wouldn't play games for long. But boy did he play video games for much longer than usual.

  You were four hours in to Jacob playing video games while you sat on your phone reading, or scrolling through social media, and occasionally watching Jacob play.

  You enjoyed watching his excited expression when winning games but you were starting to get annoyed I mean he was the one who called you over to hang out but no... he was to busy on the game.

  You wouldn't mind it to much if when he won he would turn to you and get all excited and at least acknowledge that you were in the same presents as him.

  Usually that's what he would do, so say he won a game he would pull you into a bear hug and be all hyped, or if he lost he would complain to you and then be clingy the rest of the night.

  Which you of course don't mind, but you didn't like the idea of Jacob calling you over and then not even using the time to hang out with you.

  You sigh annoyedly as you continue to scroll through your social media feeds, getting more aggregated you throw your phone to the side.

  You lay down on the bed spreading out your arms and legs like a starfish, just being lazy and resting. Well more like procrastinating on getting Jacobs attention and confronting him about the matter.

  I mean it wasn't really a huge matter you just wanted attention, or at least to hang out with him. Finally deciding to do something you lift your whole body up and gaze at Jacob as he continues to furiously press buttons on the game so invested.

  "Jacob..." You whine slightly.

  He doesn't say anything, because he doesn't hear you more so "Jacob" You say bluntly this time.

  He pulls off one of his headphones and turns slightly to look at you "yeah?" He questions, looking back and forth at you and the tv.

  "Can we do something else.... together?" You question, physically annoyed.

  "Yeah just give me one more minute..." he trails off turning back to the game putting his headphone back on.

  "One minute will be one hour, then two" You complain, though he can't hear you.

  You groan, now fully aggregated. If anything you were ready to leave and go back home to your comfortable bed.

  Deciding you were quite hungry you hop off the bed, making sure to make movement so he knows your going somewhere.

  You go downstairs to the kitchen and grab a piece of cold pizza that was left over from a couple hours ago, when you both were actually spending time together.

  "Y/n!" You heard a shout from Jacobs bed room.

  You decided on not responding back just to see what his reaction would be, a couple seconds later you hear another yell come from him "BaByyYyy!" He yells in a singing voice, laughing at his own tone.

  You eat your pizza in silence, figuring that if he wanted to speak to you he would come down the stairs. "Babbbbbeeee!" Jacob full own drags out as he rushes down the stairs.

  "What?" You question, annoyed as you continue eating your piece of pizza.

  "Why'd you leave?" He questions as he walks over to you and grabs a piece of pizza for himself.

  "You were busy" You state sarcastically.

  Jacobs eyes widen as he swallows a bite of his pizza "I'm sowwy" He apologizes, giving you puppy eyes.

  "I had no attention for 4" you hold up your fingers "-4 hours" You pout.

  His eyes widen once again "what? I wasn't on for four hours was I?" He questions, clearly lost.

  You show him the time on your phone "yes. It was 3 when you got on, now it's 7." You state, showing them facts.

  "Oh baby..." he jumps up from his seat and jumps in your arms, causing you to jump back but catch both of you by the counter.

  Wanting to do something fun you start tickling his sides causing him to laugh, squirming in your hold also causing your pizza to fly out your hand and into the floor.

  "Noooo, my pizza" you yell dramatically going to reach for your pizza as it falls while Jacob starts laughing louder until.... the chair tips over and you both fall onto the floor.

  You both laugh and groan out of pain at the same time from the impact of the fall.

  "This is better" You sigh happily.

  Jacob turns to look at you, taking a bite of his pizza "definitely" he sighs.

  "We should do this more often"

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