Chapter 34 ~ New Year

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I gawk at the size of Carries' walk-in closet, she's always been the 'fashionista' of our group and wants to delve into a career in fashion but

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I gawk at the size of Carries' walk-in closet, she's always been the 'fashionista' of our group and wants to delve into a career in fashion but... wow it's nearly double the size of my room at home, which to be fair is a box room but it's still shocking all this space is just a wardrobe... insane. Carrie starts throwing outfits at me and I may be athletic but there's a reason I do not play football... I can not catch it.

An array of colours and fabrics are piling up in my arms, Emily and Vixxie assessing each one that's thrown with a shake or nod of their heads. I feel like I'm drowning under a mountain of clothes when suddenly Carrie gasps, she pulls out a dress and twirls it around in the air like it's her dance partner. The material flails about in the air with a dominating air to it like it's liquid gold.

"This is the one... go." She throws me the dress and I struggle to catch it on the mountain of clothes no one is helping me with before waddling into her en-suite. She's already hung up four outfits for me to try on top of the dress.

Since I didn't exactly do partys before I had friends I don't have many clothes that stand against the 'Carrie mark' so she vouched to be my personal stylist from now on. I didn't even want to go to this stupid party, firstly I had to lie to my parents again and I'm sure by now they're growing overly suspicious with the amount of time I've been 'working' and secondly the thought of what happened at the last party just makes me want to burst into tears. I really don't want to go but...I guess that's one of my New Years resolutions.

1. Stop being so frigging mousy and enjoy yourself.

That andddd Blaze had already said he was going... and he was looking forward to seeing me there. I told him I wasn't going and he knew why but he didn't give me an option to refuse saying he didn't want what happened last time to ruin my fun and make me scared of going out- that way he'd win... and I do... really want to see Blaze.

This brings me to my next dilemma- I'd be lying to you if I told you the idea of impressing Blaze had no hand in choosing which outfit to go with tonight. I know, completely un-feministy of me but what if he met some other blonde girl in New York and gave her my nickname. It would be 'au revoir Atlas I don't think we can be friends anymore, by the way, I know you like me and it's freaking me out why would I ever go for mousy little atlas?'

Ugh. God, what am I saying?! Why am I trying to even impress him? Even with my boobs pushed up to my chin and my pale ass legs on display he still wouldn't like little mousey Atlas. I shouldn't want him to want Little mousy Atlas either! I need to focus on dance, getting into some kind of class and getting that damn scholarship!

"Atty, you okay in there?" Emily's voice travels through the wood of the bathroom door and I jolt realising I'd just been staring at myself in Carrie's bathroom mirror lost in thought.

"Uh... yeah... give me... give me a sec." I fan my face suddenly feeling flustered or is it just the lights, Carrie has frigging stage lights in her ceiling for bathroom lights... who wants to see this much of themselves when they're on the toilet jeez.

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