f o u r : m a r s h a l l

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Ophelia Penny wasn't as acquainted with ghosts as one might think. Up until Marigold's ghost friend, Silas, came around, Birdie had been the only one who really conversed with them.

Ophelia had performed the rituals, said hello to the occasional apparition, and did all of the usual things that someone who shared space with ghosts would do.

But now she felt a duty to this particular spirit rise in her chest.

Though she couldn't see all of his features, she could tell from his hunched shoulders and worried expression that he was frightened.

"What's your name?" she asked gently.


"Anything else?"

He hesitated, knowing there had to be more, but not quite able to grasp it.

"You don't remember," Ophelia said. "Do you?"

Marshall seemed like he was on the verge of panicking. "N-no...nothing."

"It's alright," she assured him. "C'mon, I know where we can go."

Again, Marshall hesitated.

Ophelia grinned. "It's okay, you can trust me. Ghosts are kinda part of the family business."

"I don't know if that's reassuring or not," Marshall said, but he followed Ophelia down the street anyway.

"We had a friend like you once," Ophelia said in a chipper fashion that was stark against Marshall's trepidation. "He didn't remember where he came from, either. Except, of course, when he did, he killed his father, who was also dead, but kind of alive...anyway, it was strange. But I'm sure you'll get your memory back."

Marshall swiveled his head to look at her. "Really? How?"

Ophelia bit the inside of her lip. "I...I don't really know."

Marshall's shoulders slumped again.

As he and Ophelia walked, he was slowly becoming more solid from being in close proximity to the energy Ophelia emitted.

Ophelia's first guess was that he came from the forest like Silas had, but surely he would've remembered that, at least?

Even so, it was rare to have a ghost that was so personable. Most of the time they were mere whisps. A presence standing beside the curtain of a window. A shadow that wasn't there before. But rarely a person.

"You're our first ghost since the eclipse," Ophelia said, trying to fill in the silence between them after she'd accidentally given him false hope.

"What does that mean?" Marshall asked.

"Every few years, on a lunar eclipse, my sisters and I perform a ritual to send all of the ghosts that end up in Nowhere into the afterlife."

Marshall gave her a curious look. "How?"

Ophelia shrugged a shoulder. "I dunno. We were born with the ability to summon and expel the energy that a ghost needs to--for lack of a better word--live."

"Has it always been that way?"

Ophelia nodded. "Ever since we were born. I don't know why or how people get chosen for the job, but there's always been someone like us to help the ghosts."

"And...and what about me?" Marshall asked in a small voice. "Can you help me?"

Ophelia stopped and looked up at the boy, her hazel eyes full of compassion. "Of course we will. Your case might be different, but there's never been a ghost we haven't been able to give rest."

Marshall hesitated, casting his gaze downward. "But that's the thing. I don't want to go."

Ophelia's breath hitched involuntarily. It wasn't quite a gasp, but it did convey her shock. She'd never heard of a ghost that didn't want to pass on.

"But," she said as gently as possible, "if you don't, then you'll fade."

Marshall's jaw clenched and his Adam's apple bobbed once. "It's too early for me. I can just feel it. And I can't...I don't..."

His words faltered and Ophelia went to put a hand on his shoulder, which, of course, she could not actually do. So her hand hovered above his general shoulder area, but she was sure he understood the gesture.

"Well, we have plenty of time before the next eclipse to think about it. Besides, we have other things to worry about, like getting your memories back."

They kept walking and Marshall asked, "Where are you taking me?"

Ophelia hadn't been sure when they'd started out, but now she knew the perfect place for Marshall to feel at home.

Most ghosts wandered through town, in and out of empty buildings (Nowhere had a strict rule against ghosts haunting places that were already occupied), or floating through the woods.

But Ophelia had learned from Silas that ghosts like them were more human in mind than ghost. Even though their transparent bodies could withstand a full-blown tornado without being moved an inch, their still-living brain would force them to seek shelter out of instinct.

Thus, Marshall would need a place to stay. And Ophelia was sure his host wouldn't mind.

They turned down a gravel road, where the Best farmhouse stood. It was a once-beautiful two-story home that lived just beside Gwydyr.

Ophelia thought that maybe Gwydyr's energy would help strengthen Marshall's form. Besides, if he kept quiet, Wyatt might not even know he was here.

She watched Marshall out of the corner of her eye, wondering if he was able to see Gwydyr. His face offered no answer, so she pretended like she didn't see the forest either.

The sun had just set and darkness was quickly descending on Nowhere.

"You can stay in the greenhouse," Ophelia suggested. "I hope you like tomatoes."

"Who, um, lives here?' Marshall asked, casting a skeptical look across the yard.

"It's just Wyatt," Ophelia said. "He's like our brother. Well, not exactly like our brother because he and my sister Marigold are...well, never mind. Anyway, Wyatt's off in California taking care of his mother and won't be back until--"

As fate would have it, headlights appeared as they turned the corner.

"Gah, blazes!" Ophelia hissed, instinctively pushing Marshall forward even though her hands just met air.

"Go," she whisper-shouted, "into the greenhouse!"

She and Marshall raced into the greenhouse and Ophelia shut the door behind her. Unfortunately, the entire thing was made of clear glass, so she hid amongst the tomatoes.

"I thought you said he wouldn't mind," Marshall said, exasperatedly crouching in front of her.

"He won't." Ophelia cast her eyes to the side. "If he doesn't know about it."

"I don't want to make anyone upset..."

"Alright, alright." Ophelia exhaled to catch her breath. "I'll go talk to him, just...stay put."

Marshall nodded.

Ophelia got up and dusted off her dress. She went to leave but turned back around. "Oh, it was nice meeting you!"

Marshall lifted a hand. "You too."


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