Second Year // Chapter 13

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On the way to visit Hermione, Ron and I decided to go back to the Common Room and spend some time with our siblings. We walked in and saw Fred and George in the middle of a "sword fight" with their wands. Ginny and Percy were nowhere in sight. 

"Don't break your wands! Mum would go mad if three of you broke your wands this year." I said while sitting down on the sofa. I pulled out my wand and aimed it at Fred's satchel. "Accio Jelly Slugs!" Right as I said that, a package of Jelly Slugs flew out of his satchel and into my hands. 

"Oi! Those were mine." Fred moaned.

"Oh, shut it. You guys can go to Honeydukes and get more!" I said plopping one in my mouth. Fred just smirked and shook his head. 

"Sometimes, I swear George and I are bad influences on you."

"You are!" I laughed out. They just sent me looks and I placed another Jelly slug in my mouth. "Now tell me, Fred. Where are our brother Percy and our sister Ginevra?"

"Percy has locked himself in his dorm with some other sixth-years. Apparently, Snape is giving them a very difficult end-of-year exam and they have been studying for weeks!" George said sitting down beside me on the sofa. He reached down and grabbed a Chocolate Frog also from Fred's bag.

"C'mon! Not you too!" Fred said grabbing his bag. "You've gotta leave me something to snack on during class!" He quickly walked his bag up to their dorm. George and I fist-bumped and Ron just chuckled.

"Sometimes, you three act like triplets!" He said flopping down on the chair closest to me. "Well, news flash! She's my twin!" He said reaching over and grabbing my hand. I sighed and rolled my eyes. 

"Oh ease up Ronnie! I can't deny you're my twin brother if I tried!" I shook his hand off and stood up. "You act like a lost puppy if I don't hug you at least once a day!" Ron crossed his arms and pouted as Fred walked down from his dorm. 

"What did our little Ri Ri say to make Ickle Ronniekins pout?" He chuckled leaning over behind us.

"I just told him, he acts likes a lost little puppy if I don't hug him at least once a day." Ron reached over and slapped my hand. 

"Well ... Ron, she's not wrong." 

"Oh shut up, George!"


The next day Hermione was no longer a cat and was able to leave the hospital wing and return to our dorm. After she was back into our dorm we met Harry and Ron down in the common room. When we got down there, Harry told us about his little adventure into the diary.

"Hagrid?!" I semi-shouted. "That's preposterous!"

"It can't be Hagrid. It just can't be." Hermione added. Ron nodded and spoke up.

"We don't even know this Riddle. he sounds like a dirty, rotten snitch to me." I gestured that I agreed with Ron as Harry got up and started walking away.

"The monster had killed someone, Ron. What would any of us done?" I sighed and followed him out along with Ron and Hermione. 

"Look. Hagrid's our friend. Why don't we just go ask him about it?" I said. Ron let out a snort and responded with a very obvious tone of sarcasm.

"That'd be a cheerful visit. Hullo, Hagrid. Tell us, have you been setting anything mad and hairy loose in the castle lately?"

"Mad an' hairy?" A voice behind us said. "Wouldn' be talkin' 'bout me, now would yeh?" We turned to see Hagrid smiling down at us. We all exchanged a look before exclaiming in unison.

Through All the Pain  // N. LongbottomWhere stories live. Discover now